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(The Adventures of Robin Hood)
1938, regia di Michael Curtiz, William Keighley
pag. 1
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Hal B. Wallis - Distribuzione: Fonit Cetra Video, Warner Home Video, Ricordi Video, Eden Video - Sceneggiatura: Seton I. Miller, Norman Reilly Raine - Fotografia: Tony Gaudio, Dol Polito, W. Howard Greene - Montaggio: Ralph Dawson - Scenografia: Carl Jules Weyl - Musiche: Erich Wolfgang Korngold - Formato: Technicolor - Durata: 102'.
Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, Basil
Rathbone, Claude Rains, Patrick Knowles, Alan Hale, Eugene Pallette, Melville
Cooper, Ian Hunter, Una O'Connor
sulle immagini in basso per ingrandirle
Trama e commenti:
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Dizionario Farinotti:
«Robin di Locksley, detto Robin Hood, vive nella foresta di Sherwood a capo di un gruppo di simpatici fuorilegge. Salva un poveraccio, che ha ucciso un cervo per fame, dalla spada dello sceriffo di Nottingham e poi irrompe col cervo sulle spalle proprio nel salone del banchetto dello sceriffo. Aggredito riesce a fuggire. Nella foresta fa prigioniera Lady Marian, cugina di re Riccardo, per il quale Robin Hood si batte contro l'usurpatore Giovanni Senza Terra. Lo sceriffo cerca in ogni modo di contrastare il ritorno del legittimo re, ricorrendo a ogni intrigo. Ma Robin vince su tutti i fronti, anche su quello amoroso. E alla fine, travestito, arriva Riccardo, che benedice le nozze dell'eroe con Marian. Film indispensabile al cinema, rimasto praticamente intatto a quasi sessant'anni di distanza. È uno dei capisaldi dell'avventura, con una costruzione talmente precisa ed equilibrata nelle scene d'azione, di raccordo, d'amore da rappresentare una sorta di "perfetto cerchio" inattaccabile dal tempo. Il ventinovenne Flynn, grandissima presenza, reinventò l'"avventura" riprendendo il filo d'oro di Douglas Fairbanks e portando una vitalità, simpatia, irruenza e fascino che nessuno riuscirà mai più ad eguagliare. I duelli con Basil Rathbone, le scene d'amore con Olivia De Havilland, i battibecchi col tiranno di turno sono istantanee insostituibili del
cinema. Negli anni Ottanta la Rai rifece i dialoghi del film con un risultato disastroso. Alla Warner, mezzo secolo prima, conoscevano già tutto, e meglio. Ottima anche la colonna sonora di E. W. Korngold. In una scena di inseguimento i cavalli attraversano un fiume e le note di Korngold "compongono" il ritmo degli zoccoli e il rumore
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb -
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«The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) is one of the greatest, most colorful costume dramas, swashbucklers, and romantically-tinged adventure films in film history. After the icy restrictions placed on the film industry following the establishment of the Production Code Administration (Breen Office) in the mid 1930s, Warner Bros. Studios decided to find relief from censorship by bringing about a renaissance of the historical-costume adventure film, with swordplay, sweeping action, and romantic
charm. Although its main star had portrayed a similar role in Captain Blood (1935) with the same dynamic director, Michael Curtiz, this film established 29 year-old actor Errol Flynn as a dashing, gallant, romantic, impudent but light-hearted, athletic legendary adventure hero - it is
the Errol Flynn picture and the definitive film portraying the Robin Hood legend. [This was another of the twelve films that Curtiz ultimately directed with Flynn as star.] Director Michael Curtiz was brought in by studio executives to quickly replace William Keighley when incapacitated by illness, according to
Variety, while other sources claimed that Curtiz was chosen to create more engaging, impactful, fast-moving and action-oriented content when Keighley couldn't meet the tight production schedule. Both directors received screen credit for their work. [William Keighley had previously directed top-billed Flynn in the Warner Bros' costume drama
The Prince and the Pauper
(1937) a year earlier.] It expertly tells the story of the heroic Robin and his Sherwood Forest followers, who saved England from royal treachery by scheming nobles during the absence of the crusading and captured-ransomed King Richard the Lion-Hearted. And it tells the fairy-tale romance with nostalgic chivalry, colorful pageantry, simple righteousness triumphant over villainous and evil might, and spectacular action.
There were at least six silent era attempts at the story. The Reginald de Koven-Harry B. Smith light opera version of
Robin Hood was originally presented in 1890. And Douglas Fairbanks starred as the infamous outlaw hero and Wallace Beery as Richard the Lion-Hearted in an early silent version of the film directed by Allan Dwan -
Robin Hood
(1922), reportedly the most expensive film made up to that time (at $1.6 - 2 million). In addition to his daring stunt work (sliding down a drapery, engaging in archery and swordsmanship, and other acrobatic feats), Fairbanks wrote the screenplay (with pseudonym Elton Thomas) for the fast moving, epic silent film filled with medieval
pageantry. The 1938 Warner Bros. film is expensively mounted (at $2 million, it was the studio's largest budgeted film), and beautifully photographed in glorious and brilliant, three-strip Technicolor (Warners' first use of color) by cinematographers Sol Polito and Tony Gaudio, especially in the Sherwood Forest sequence [filmed in Bidwell Park in Chico, California] and other scenes of costumed pageantry.
... The spectacle includes superb casting of memorable characters, a light-hearted, but spirited story, exciting dueling and action scenes requiring extensive stunt work, and the ideal love team of de Havilland and gallant Flynn with their witty and tender romantic scenes together...»
(Tim Dirks).
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: La leggenda di Robin Hood; Robin Hood, König der Vagabunden.
Welcome to Sherwood:
The Making of The Adventures of Robin Hood