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The Six Wives of Henry VIII
1970, regia di Naomi Capon, John Glenister
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) - Distribuzione: CBS Television, Masterpiece Theatre, Public Broadcasting Service - Soggetto: Beverley Cross, Nick McCarty, Jean Morris, John Prebble, Rosemary Anne Sisson, Ian Thorne - Sceneggiatura: Beverley Cross, Nick McCarty, Jean Morris, John Prebble, Rosemary Anne Sisson, Ian Thorne - Montaggio: Tony Tew - Costumi: John Bloomfield, A.A. Englander - Formato: Color - Durata: 90' ogni episodio (tutti gli episodi: 542').
Cast: Keith Michell, Annette Crosbie, Dorothy Tutin, Anne Stallybrass, Elvi Hale, Angela Pleasence, Rosalie Crutchley, Anthony Quayle (narratore)
Trama e commenti:
«The Six Wives of Henry VIII è una miniserie tv inglese del 1970...
Il successo della miniserie tv portò alla realizzazione nel 1973 di un film intitolato
Tutte le donne del re, sempre con Keith Michell nel ruolo di Enrico VIII.
Ne fu realizzato anche un sequel: Elizabeth R, con Glenda Jackson nel ruolo di Elisabetta
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
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«"Award winning BBC costume drama of the highest quality starring Keith Michell as the infamous Tudor King who bought about the dissolution of the monasteries and whose "Act of Supremacy" in 1534 gave his country the anomaly, still surviving today, of a monarch who is head of a
church. ... From parts one to six we saw Henry growing in age from a slim 17 year old to an obese 56 year old, as he married six different women with the sole purpose that one of them would present him with a male heir to ascend to the throne after his death. Historically accurate, the series contained the treacherous double dealings, whispered conspiracies and bloody murders that were prevalent at that time in English history, and set new audience records when it was shown on its initial run on BBC2.
The series was probably the first to change the image of Henry that had been etched on the public consciousness in 1933 by the formidable Charles Laughton portrayal in the big screen biopic
The Private Life of Henry Vlll in which the monarch was shown for the most part as gluttonous, roaring and ranting. The movie was the first British picture to win an Oscar so the image was firmly set on both sides of the Atlantic. However, this BBC production dispelled many of the myths and showed Henry as an excellent scholar who spoke four languages other than his native tongue (Latin, French, Italian and Greek), a student of mathematics and astronomy, a gifted musician and a superb
Approfondimenti: Movie
Film tv, in 6 episodi (Catherine Howard; Anne Boleyn; Anne of Cleves; Catherine Parr; Catherine of Aragon; Jane Seymour) di 90' ciascuno, trasmessi dalla BBC dall'1 gennaio al 5 febbraio 1970.