Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi) |
Summer of Blood
2014, regia di Onor Tukel
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Simian Nation, Factory 25 - Distribuzione: New Europe Film Sales, Monster Pictures, MPI Media Group - Soggetto: Onor Tukel - Sceneggiatura: Onor Tukel - Fotografia: Jason Banker - Montaggio: Onor Tukel - Musiche: Devoe Yates - Formato: Color - Durata: 86'.
Cast: Jonathan Caouette, Zach Clark, Juliette Fairley, Dustin Guy, Dakota Goldhor, Vakhtang Gomelauri, Julian Grady, Rhys Grady, Max Heller, Anna Margaret Hollyman, Alexander Johnson, Alex Karpovsky, Raquel Pelzel, Vanna Pilgrim.
Trama e commenti: - - - - «Il
misantropo e immaturo Eric affronta una prematura crisi di mezza età dopo esser
stato lasciato dalla sua fidanzata. Senza carriera e ancor meno carisma a letto,
sembra che questo amabile perdente sia senza speranza, fino a un fatidica notte
d'estate quando un vampiro lo morde in un vicolo di Brooklyn. Il giorno dopo,
Eric trova la sua fiducia rinvigorita e il suo stomaco con un dolore straziante
che può essere curato solo da una cosa... sangue».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
«Erik Sparrow
(Onur Tukel) is a loser. He’s lazy. He talks too much. He’s socially awkward and
as you’d expect from this self-proclaimed Jerry Garcia look-a-like, in dire need
of a professional hair trim and color job. But you know what? In his life, he’s
trying, and he truly loves his girlfriend Jody (the “I’ve seen this girl before”
Anna Margaret Hollyman), despite his refusal of her engagement ring at dinner
one night. This hurtful slight begins a downhill journey for Erik - a myriad of
bad dates, reprimands at work and eventually, a fateful encounter with a vampire
(what next?) With not much left to lose in his life, paired with the mesmerism
skills of his attacker, there’s minimal struggle from Erik. Even when asked by
the vampire, “Do you want to live?”, he replies… well, we’ll leave that response
for your viewing pleasure. Once bitten, he lives up his new life-style, becoming
sexually adventurous, taking his job termination in stride (providing one of the
best “take this job and shove it” moments ever) and going out for midnight
strolls in search of appetizing snacks. But all the while, there’s the memory of
Jody, the wish for normalcy and an eventual family. And despite his “do whatever
feels good” attitude, there is the looming regret of his engagement misstep. ...».