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VampireSex: il soft e l'hard

Vampire Boys

2011, regia di Charlie Vaughn


Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Ariztical Entertainment, Sterling Productions - Distribuzione: PRO-FUN media Filmverleih, Ariztical Entertainment - Soggetto: David S. Sterling, Jeremiah Campbell - Sceneggiatura: Jeremiah Campbell - Fotografia: Andrew Ceperley - Montaggio: Dore Kiniry - Formato: Color, B.N. - Durata: 70'.

Cast: Jason Lockhart, Christian Ferrer, Jason Lockhart, Dylan Vox, Jess Allen, Tanner Acord, Ryan Adames, Zasu Pitts, Greg McKeon, Walter Delmar, Marlene Mc'Cohen, Charlie Vaughn.




Trama e commenti: - «Avete la fissa (o il rifiuto) per la saga di Twilight? Ecco un modo per esorcizzare il tutto: Vampire Boys. Indicato come un incrocio tra Twilight e Cruel Intentions, il film, diretto da Charlie Vaughn è la storia di due vampiri in punto di morte che per salvarsi devono trovare un umano da trasformare, con cui vivere... per sempre».

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - - - - - - - - «One hundred year old vampire must find his soul mate in order to keep himself and his clique alive forever. However, his soul mate unexpectedly turns out be a guy- a young, naive, innocent college freshmen. The notion of doing a serious minded gay horror romance, was certainly a nice idea. However, the execution is lacking. The horror elements don't have enough menace or terror to them. Not enough care was token to properly make these scenes as effective as they could have been. Scenes of the vampires stalking human prey are rushed and don't amount to much. The suspense that these scenes could have generated is never palpable. Scenes in which the vampire brood is having conflict with one another, is rushed. These scenes lack the excitement that they could have had. It's all treated as more of a throwaway, if anything. The romance doesn't have that sizzle or spark that's needed. The film never plays on the danger, the intensity of one of the main characters being human and the other main character being a vampire. The love scene between the main characters falls completely flat. It lacks any viva voom so to speak. ...».




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