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Meat Market
2000, regia di Brian Clement
Scheda: Nazione: Canada-USA - Produzione: Frontline Films, Sub Rosa Studios - Distribuzione: Sub Rosa Studios - Soggetto: Nick Sheehan, Tania Willard - Sceneggiatura: Brian Clement - Montaggio: Brian Clement - Costumi: Brian Clement - Musiche: Justin Hagberg - Effetti speciali: Nick Sheehan - Formato: Color - Durata: 90'.
Bettina May (Claire Westby),
Paul Pedrosa, Teresa Simon,
Chelsey Arentsen,
Cam Pipes,
Ken Peters,
Clifton Mitchel,
Bryn Johnson,
Alison Therriault,
Chris Clement,
Nick Sheehan,
Brian Clement, Scott Roberts,
Mark Walsh,
Colin Clement,
Laura Rossy,
Gareth Gaudin,
Ivan Meade (voce).
Trama e commenti: - - «La televisione diffonde allarmanti notizie su un'epidemia sconosciuta che spingerebbe gli animali ad aggredire gli uomini seminando il terrore in alcune metropoli americane. Il fenomeno sfugge a quasiasi spiegazione scientifica e c'è chi sospetta un piano eversivo mirante a scardinare l'ordine pubblico. Ma la verità è un'altra. Ne sanno qualcosa Argenta e Shahrokh, due ex dipendenti di un importante istituto di ricerche mediche, che sono venuti a conoscenza delle segrete manipolazioni biogenetiche condotte dai loro colleghi di un tempo. Gli esperimenti hanno scatenato un terribile virus che fa resuscitare i morti trasformandoli in zombi assassini e cannibali: per arginare il contagio che sta allargandosi a macchia d'olio, occorre distruggere i mostri con le armi. Perseguitati dai responsabili dell'istituto che desiderano non far trapelare notizie sulla loro illegale sperimentazione e dalla polizia che li ha scambiati per due psicopatici, Argenta e Shahrokh organizzano una bizzarra squadra d'emergenza nella quale entrano a far parte tre ardimentose ragazze vampire, uno scienziato, un soldato e un wrestler messicano che si fa chiamare El Diablo Azul. Uno dei tanti low-budget che ripropone l'ennesima variazione sul tema degli zombi generati da esperimenti scientifici. Prevedibili gli effetti gore e gli intenti semiparodistici. Di nuovo, c'è un blando richiamo alla tradizione fanta-orrorifica della cinematografia messicana. Incoraggiato da un discreto successo, Brian Clement ha riunito stessi protagonisti e zombi nel sequel Meat Market 2».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - - - - - - - - «As bad as this movie was, I kept telling myself, “At least it’s better than Flesh Freaks.” That was until the lesbian, laser toting vampires showed up. Before raping my eyes, Meat Market sounded like a decent Zombie picture. There are bizarre attacks on humans that are thought to be animal attacks. Two former employees of a security agency figure out that they are not animal attacks, but zombies, and as it turns out, the company they used to work for is responsible. Not half bad, right? Well, I am angry at all who were involved with this. Now, in this movie’s defense, there were some positives. The zombie make up was actually pretty decent for a film this low budget. If you can watch it long enough, you can find some fairly nice shots and scene transitions. In what I thought was a very clever touch (and I must have misunderstood this), I thought that this was going to be a sort of “A Modest Proposal” scenario, which would have explained the title of the film. At one point a zombie attacks a homeless person, and there is an interview with someone who states that he thinks that the attackers (I don’t recall if at this point the public still thinks it is animals or knows it zombies; the execution of the story line was rather convoluted) are doing the city a service by killing the homeless. In a pamphlet written by Johnathan Swift called (paraphrasingly) “A Modest Proposal,” Swift suggested satirically that the children of Ireland’s poor families living in squalor should be sold into a meat market at the age of one. They would be fattened up and fed to rich land owners and this would help eliminate overpopulation, unemployment, etc. The prospect of Meat Market perhaps doing something similar excited me very much. That actually makes good (albeit evil) justification for the security company making these creatures. In addition to that: biting social satire! I was then ready to overlook the $2000 budget and sub-par acting to absorb this message! Then the lesbian vampires walked in. ...».
Approfondimenti: Movie Review