Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi) |
Stirpe di sangue
(The Brotherhood)
2000, regia di David DeCoteau
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Regent Entertainment - Distribuzione: Artist View Entertainment - Soggetto: Matthew Jason Walsh - Sceneggiatura: Matthew Jason Walsh - Montaggio: J.R. Bookwalter - Costumi: Edward Reno Hibbs - Musiche: Jeffrey Walton - Formato: Color - Durata: 85'.
Cast: Samuel Page, Josh Hammond, Bradley Stryker, Elizabeth Bruderman, Forrest Cochran, Michael Lutz, Donnie Eichar, Christopher Cullen, Brandon Beemer, Brian Bianchini, Chloe Cross, Rebekah Ryan, Matt Ebin, Lauren Bailey.
Trama e commenti: - «In un campus come tanti si nasconde in realtą una millenaria societą segreta. I membri di quest'ultima hanno sacrificato la loro anima per ottenere potere. Un mix di sangue, sesso in un thriller vampiresco intenso e shocking!».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
- «A handsome and athletic freshman at esteemed Drake University has been targeted by members of Doma Tau Omega for initiation into their prestigious fraternity. Initially adverse to the idea, he soon becomes enamored with the captivating charm of Doma Tau's enigmatic president, who seems to hold an almost spell-like control over
him. After becoming inebriated at one of Doma Tau's parties, he accepts the invitation to join the fraternity. However, he will soon discover that behind Doma Tau Omega's reputable faēade lies a dark secret, too horrifying to possibly imagine. Can his loyal
roommate, Dan, help him break the evil spell, or will he pay for his transgression with his life? A genuinely eerie horror-thriller with excellent performances».
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: I've Been Watching You; La Hermandad.
L'Undicesimo Comandamento
Brotherhood III: Young
The Brotherhood IV: Patto
di sangue
The Brotherhood V: Alumni
The Brotherhood VI: Initiation
da ottobre 2004 ad oggi: |