Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi)


1997, regia di Dominik Alber


Scheda: Nazione: Svizzera - Produzione: Kultkino Winterthur - Soggetto: Thomas Grob, Daniel Hofmann - Sceneggiatura: Thomas Grob, Daniel Hofmann - Fotografia: Dominik Alber, J.P. Johnson - Montaggio: Dominik Alber, Jesus Franco - Musiche: Lola Schifran Team, Pat Barrett - Formato: Color - Durata: 90'.

Cast: Daniel Hofmann, Marzio Frei, Judith Hug, Mario Schweize, Pat Barrett.

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - - «Without any effort the shadowy creature sinks her claws into the helpless victim's tummy. Then she starts to break the dying man's thigh and begins to drink... For Garcin (Pat Barrett), fleeing from the world and from himself, the tales about legendary Kori (Judy Hug) all of a sudden become bloody reality when he stumbles upon the hiding place of the beautiful vampire. But she does not kill him. A deep frienship develops instead, which is doomed to failure though. For a nameless mischief lies hidden in wait for them...».



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