Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi) |
(The Invasion)
2007, regia di Oliver Hirschbiegel (e James McTeigue, non accreditato)
Nazione: USA-Australia - Produzione:
Warner Bros. Pictures,
Village Roadshow Pictures,
Silver Pictures,
Vertigo Entertainment,
Oliver Pictures
Distribuzione: Warner Bros. Pictures,
Warner Home Video,
Golden Village Entertainment,
Karo Premiere,
Sandrew Metronome Distribution Sverige,
Village Films, Argentina Video Home,
Audio Visual Enterprises - Soggetto:
dal romanzo The Body Snatchers di Jack Finney
- Sceneggiatura:
David Kajganich
- Fotografia:
Rainer Klausmann - Montaggio:
Joel Negron,
Hans Funck -
Art Director: Caty Maxey, James Truesdale -
Scenografia: Jack Fisk -
Leslie Frankenheimer,
Maria Nay - Costumi:
Jacqueline West - Musiche:
John Ottman -
Effetti speciali:
David Fletcher,
Jason Piccioni,
LOOK! Effects Inc.,
Zoic Studios,
Lola Visual Effects,
CA Scanline Production - Formato: Color - Durata:
93' (99').
Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Jeremy
Northam, Jackson Bond, Jeffrey Wright, Veronica Cartwright, Josef Sommer, Celia
Weston, Roger Rees, Eric Benjamin, Susan Floyd, Stephanie Berry, Alexis Raben,
Adam LeFevre, Joanna Merlin, Field Blauvelt, Rhonda Overby, Reid Sasser, Brandon
Price, Mia Arnice Chambers, Ava Lenet, Michael Andrew Kelly, Jeremiah Hake.
Trama e commenti: -
- «Invasion
(The Invasion) è un film del 2007 diretto da Oliver Hirschbiegel, basato sul
romanzo di Jack Finney che ispirò il film del 1956
L'invasione degli ultracorpi, di cui Invasion è un remake. Dopo lo schianto di uno Space Shuttle sulla Terra,
la psichiatra Carol Bennell (Nicole Kidman) scopre un misterioso virus di
origine aliena, che attacca gli esseri umani nel sonno, durante la fase REM. Le
vittime risultano diventare inumane, prive di sentimenti ed emozioni ma con il
fisico immutato, rendendo difficile l'identificazione tra soggetti sani e
infetti. Carol, con l'aiuto del collega Ben Driscoll (Daniel Craig), cerca di
rimanere sveglia cercando di proteggere il figlio Oliver, che può essere d'aiuto
per sconfiggere l'invasione».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
«The Invasion, a pallid remake of Don Siegel's
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, is
slightly less frightening than its black and white inspiration. This is quite an
achievement: the first film was made in 1956, when scaring people in cinemas was
against the law. Nicole Kidman plays the one emotional human being in a cast of
blank-faced pod people, an irony that anyone who saw The Hours will certainly
appreciate. There are no pods for the aliens to ferment in this time - the
microscopic invaders arrive on earth via space shuttle, and in a neat bit of
narrative nip'n'tuck, their first target is the Centre For Disease Control boss
Jeremy Northam, who uses his position to innoculate vast swathes of the
population with a "flu vaccine" spiked with alien DNA. Northam's ex-wife is
psychiatrist Nicole, who can't understand why her patients are suddenly unable
to recognise their loved ones. In a touch worthy of the Farrelly brothers, the
alien virus is passed from person to person via vomit. This can be done politely
by means of a quiet boke into your intended's coffee, but before long the
baddies have dispensed with all niceties and simply ralph all over their
victim's faces. So, if you ever wanted to see Jeremy Northam barking his guts
into Nicole Kidman's mouth, this is the film for you. Amusingly, the alien
invasion has the unexpected side-effect of halting all wars on the planet. A
better film might have had some fun with this subversive concept, but we're left
instead with the troublesome suggestion that the Iraq war is simply a product of
human nature. Yeah right. Having established an effectively creepy mood in the
first half, the film eventually degenerates into a muddled mess, with Nicole and
Daniel Craig dodging zombies while popping amphetamines in a desperate effort to
stay awake. We know how they feel» (Paul Arendt).
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Invasion of the Body Snatchers; The Visiting.
Vedi anche: L'invasione degli ultracorpi, Terrore dallo spazio profondo, Ultracorpi - L'invasione continua.