Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi)

Dance with a Vampire

2006, regia di George Bonilla


Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: George Bonilla - Distribuzione: George Bonilla - Soggetto: George Bonilla - Sceneggiatura: George Bonilla - Fotografia: Billy W. Blackwell, Jason Dixon, Jon Shelton, Barry Stout, Roy M. White - Montaggio: George Bonilla - Musiche: Luke Baldridge, John Price - Formato: Color - Durata: 118'.

Cast: Stacey T. Gillespie, Matthew Perry, Amy Wills, Mari Stamper, Billy W. Blackwell, Frank Farhat, Michael S. Shouse, Marshall Fields, Karl Gustav Lindstrom, Bob Singleton, Jill Denny, London Wilson, Freddi Goforth, Nathan Day, Rebecca Minton, Todd Burrows, Robert Long, Bob C. Cooke, Jon Shelton, Amy Griffith.


Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: entertainment.msn.comIMDb: « Follow the story of Redwood Justin, who is determined to rescue his sister from the vampires that kidnapped her years ago. Bolt Upright has the skills and knowledge necessary to fight the vampires, and takes Redwood on a whirlwind journey that takes them right into to vampires' den».

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