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Blood Sisters

2003, regia di Joe Castro



Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: di David S. Sterling - Distribuzione: Brain Damage Films - Soggetto: Joe Castro - Sceneggiatura: Joe Castro - Montaggio: Mark Polonia - Formato: Color - Durata: 93'.

Cast: Phoebe Dollar, Erica Howards, Kerry Lui, Brandon Ellison, Andy Manning, Brannon Gould, Deborah Huber, Anne Marie, Jon Prutow, Darlene Tygrett, David Veach, Lenny Wilson.



Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: hkflix.comgeocities.comdrgorereviews.blogspot.comabandomoviez.netrazor3donline.comIMDb: «The young and lust filled Blood Sisters find college life the perfect haven for their daily "habit"... Blood. They stalk and seduce their victims by day, then torture and kill them by night. When a chain of strange dissappearances occurs at sexy Tracy's college, fear immediately floods the hallways. Corpses mount at one of the school's sororities. Tracy and her gorgeous roomate, Melissa, join the mysterious sorority hoping to uncover the dark secret. After witnessing brutal slayings, they realize their only salvation lies in the defeat and damnation of the Blood Sisters!».




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