Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi)

Alabama's Ghost

1972, regia di Fredric Hobbs


Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Ellman Enterprises - Distribuzione: International Video Entertainment, Thriller Video - Soggetto: Fredric Hobbs - Sceneggiatura: Fredric Hobbs - Fotografia: Fredric Hobbs - Montaggio: Richard S. Brummer - Musiche: Turk Murphy Band - Formato: Color.

Cast: Christopher Brooks, Karen Ingenthron, Richard Marion, Turk Murphy, E. Kerrigan Prescott, Loading Zone.


Trama e commenti: «Rarità “Blaxploitation”. Un gruppo di motociclisti vampiri si vede costretto ad una lotta “all’ultimo sangue” contro un fantasma...».

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - «Alabama's Ghost is another installment in the triptych of films from the inept genius Fredric Hobbs... Little is known about the Hobbs-man, except that he was (is?) an artist, sculptor, and writer, outside of doing the three movies known to hardcore aficionados of the weird. Alabama's Ghost opens with a radio broadcast regarding Nazi war criminals, a mad doctor, a magician named Carter the Great, an infectious substance called "raw zeta," and Khartoum Khaki hashish. Got that so far? OK, cut to a Dixieland band and their roadie...».

Approfondimenti: Movie Review



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