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Mockingbird Lane
2012, regia di Adam Kane
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Living Dead Guy Productions, Bad Hat Harry Productions, Universal Television - Distribuzione: NBC (National Broadcasting Company) - Serie creata da: Allan Burns, Chris Hayward - Sceneggiatura: Bryan Fuller - Fotografia: Guillermo Navarro - Montaggio: Stuart Bass - Art Director: Jeff Mossa - Scenografia: Michael Wylie - Set Decoration: Halina Siwolop - Costumi: Robert Blackman - Musiche: Jim Dooley - Effetti speciali: Pixomondo - Formato: Color, serie tv - Durata: 45' ogni episodio.
Jerry O'Connell, Portia de Rossi, Charity Wakefield, Cheyenne Jackson, Mason
Cook, Eddie Izzard, Beth Grant, Allen C. Liu, Pablo Espinosa, Craig Jordan,
Kenneth Lyng, Dante Brown, Grant Venable, Eric Osovsky, J. Anthony Pena.
Trama e commenti: - - - - «Mockingbird
Lane è una serie televisiva fantasy statunitense il cui episodio pilota è stato
trasmesso sulla rete televisiva NBC il 26 ottobre 2012.
È un remake della serie degli anni sessanta I mostri e vede protagonista la
famiglia Munster, composta in prevalenza da esseri mostruosi. Originariamente
programmata per la stagione televisiva 2012-2013, la NBC decise di sospendere la
produzione e mandare in onda il solo episodio pilota come speciale per Halloween
per poi eventualmente riprendere la produzione per la stagione successiva se
avesse ottenuto un buon riscontro da parte del pubblico; tale scelta derivò
anche dal fatto che il suo ideatore Bryan Fuller era già impegnato a tempo pieno
con un'altra serie, Hannibal. Nel dicembre 2012 il network statunitense decise
di non produrre nuovi episodi, cancellando definitivamente la serie.
La serie segue le vicende di una disfunzionale famiglia di mostri appena
trasferitasi al 1313 di Mockingbird Lane. È composta da Sam Dracula, un antico
vampiro che vive con la figlia Lily, anche lei vampiro, e il genero Herman
Munster, quest'ultimo letteralmente costruito dal suocero che non riusciva a
trovare un compagno ideale per la giovane e bella figlia. Sotto lo stesso tetto
vivono anche il figlio licantropo di Lily e Herman, Eddie, e la loro nipote
Marilyn, unico membro della famiglia a non avere caratteristiche "anormali"».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb - - - - - - -
- - -
«This is
one of the few times where my fandom has kind of come back to bite me in the ass.
I am a fan of The Munsters and from day one was opposed to this radical
reworking of the series. The darkly comic tone with a violent dramatic
atmosphere made me irritated beyond belief. Mockingbird Lane surprising enough
ends up being a wonderful re-imagining of the series that doesn’t quite alter
the comic tone of the original series so much as it adds a lot of menace to it.
Instead of a sitcom it’s a dark comedy drama, and instead of the eccentric tone
there’s a more menacing and brooding color palette. What makes this special even
better is that it completely changes the dynamic of the Munster family. No
longer are they hapless monsters looking to be normal. They’re now the snake in
the grass who are capable of striking anyone at any time if provoked. I really
was enamored at the change in characters and how they worked within the family.
Where once Marilyn was a running gag as a normal girl trying to live in an odd
family, she’s now the Renfield of the family. She is the normal girl with a hint
of a psychotic tick who infiltrates neighborhoods and oversees the arrival of
her family. When we first see the Munsters, Marilyn is heading the charge of the
purchase of their new mansion and supervising their moving. Changing Marilyn’s
purpose gives her character a lot more to do than simply become a one note joke
that could easily get stale.
Marilyn is the underhanded messenger doing the
dirty work for Grandpa Munster, allowing her family to seep in and corrupt the
social structure of their new neighborhood, and it’s a very clever twist. She
has no remorse and is a dutiful messenger who wants a normal life, but
understands her loyalty toward her family. Charity Wakefield gives the stand out
as the blond adorable assistant to her family, and really steals the scenes.
Even from Eddie Izzard. Grandpa Munster is changed from an eccentric ghoul to a
very stern and overbearing head of the family who instills a sense of terror in
his family and insists on living live as supernatural beings, no matter what.
Eddie Izzard gives a very magnetic performance as the commanding and charming
Grandpa Munster who spends his days looking for ways to please his daughter, and
keep Herman alive, since his heart is always on the verge of failing. Lily is
the same old enchantress and vampiric sex bomb who enters in to her fray with a
slick smile, and bemoans the birth of Eddie, recalling on how tempted she was to
eat him when he was born. ...».