Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi) |
Red Blooded American Girl
1990, regia di David Blyth
Scheda: Nazione: Canada - Produzione: Prism Entertainment Corporation, SC Entertainment - Distribuzione: C/FP Video, Cinépix Film Properties, Image Entertainment, Prism Pictures - Soggetto: Allan Moyle - Sceneggiatura: Allan Moyle - Fotografia: Ludek Bogner - Montaggio: Nick Rotundo - Scenografia: Caroline Gee - Musiche: Jim Manzie, Chaz Jankel, Pat Regan - Effetti speciali: Brock Jolliffe - Formato: Agfacolor - Durata: 89'.
Andrew Stevens,
Heather Thomas,
Christopher Plummer, Kim Coates,
Lydie Denier,
Andrew Jackson,
Anne Hutcheson,
Lionel Williams,
Dean Richards,
C.J. Fidler,
Paul Morrison,
Shelly Lynn Jardin,
Phil Hay,
Alan Rose.
Trama e commenti: - - - «Nei
laboratori della Life Research Foundation, l'équipe medica del dottor John
Alcore (Plummer) è vittima di un virus sconosciuto, generato da una serie di
esperimenti miranti ad individuare un vaccino per combattere una terribile
epidemia. Lo scienziato Owen August Urban III (Stevens) lavora febbrilmente per
debellare il virus, ma non può evitare che Paula Bukowsky (Heather Thomas), una
giovane volontaria che si era prestata ai test e alla quale si è affezionato, si
trasformi in una sorta di vampiro affascinante e assassino. Convenzionale
fantahorror che associa il tema del vampirismo al flagello dell'AIDS. Sviluppato
come un thriller softcore, il film confida sulle grazie dell'avvenente Heather
Thomas (Cyclone), e poggia sull'esperienza di Andrew Stevens e di Christopher
Plummer. Seguito nel 1996 da Red_Blooded
American Girl
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
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«This lurid Canadian plasma of sex and bodily fluids poaches on the territory
of countryman David Cronenberg, with anemic returns. Maverick biomedical
scientist Owen Urban (Andrew Stevens) is recruited to work at the high-tech Life
Reach Foundation, whose wealthy director John Alcore (Christopher Plummer) seeks
to contain a mysterious viral outbreak. The virus, it seems, has turned
afflicted staff members into something very much like traditional vampires (though
without the benefit of fangs, the voracious bloodsuckers wield razor blades and
syringes to get their hemoglobin fixes). Urban works closely with, and
eventually falls for, Paula (Heather Thomas), a volunteer at the clinic who
turns out to suffer from the malady and prowls the discos at night for victims.
Urban discovers the virus, a by-product of an attempted AIDS vaccine, has also
turned Alcore into a blood predator. Alcore compares the condition to diabetes,
but far from wanting to be cured, has Urban concoct an insulin-like treatment
that will tame its Jekyll-Hyde side effects while letting Alcore enjoy
vampire-like longevity. While Alcore gets exactly what he wants, Urban succeeds
in restoring Paula to full humanity. With a pulsating soundtrack, sterile lab
environments and mutant's eye-view conveyed by New Zealand director David Blyth,
this shares some traits with Cronenberg's The Brood (1979) and
Scanners (1980), among others, but remains more pedestrian, taking resonant
imagery of disease, transformation, and insanity as a low road to cheap gore and
erotica. Heather Thomas metamorphosing into a bloodlusty punkette is
particularly hard to take; she looks more like a dance-club denizen than a
daughter of darkness, and her knife-fondling romantic interludes with Stevens
are like fevered music videos. Plummer's commanding presence gives the
enterprise a shot of class, but it needed a massive transfusion...».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Dreamliners; Virus vampire; Sang Froid; Schwarzes Leder, Heißes Blut.
da ottobre 2004 ad oggi: |