Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi) |
The Devil's Daughter
1915, regia di Frank Powell
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Fox Film Corporation - Distribuzione: Fox Film Corporation - Soggetto: da La Gioconda di Gabriele D'Annunzio -
Sceneggiatura: Joseph H. Trant, Garfield Thompson - Fotografia: David Calcagni - Formato: B.N., muto.Cast: Theda Bara, Paul Doucet, Victor Benoit, Robert Wayne, Jane Lee, Doris Heywood, Jane Miller, Elaine Evans, Edouard Durand, Elaine Ivans, Clifford Bruce.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
- «"My
heart is ice, my passion consuming fire. Let men beware," exclaimed Theda Bara
(via an inter-title, of course) in this "Vamp" melodrama based on Grabriele
D'Annunzio's 1898 story La Gioconda. According to Fox publicity, the
Italian author/playwright had insisted that no one else but Bara should play his
femme fatale, a rather silly statement considering the status of film in general
at the time and lurid Bara movies in particular. She played an artist's model,
who when deserted by her fiancée, sallies forth to destroy men everywhere. As
usual in a Bara movie, the protagonist goes mad in the final reel. The
Devil's Daughter, Bara's third true "Vamp" movie, was filmed in St. Augustine,
Florida» (Hans J. Wollstein).
da ottobre 2004 ad oggi: |