Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi) |
Batman Dracula
1964, regia di Andy Warhol
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Andy Warhol - Sceneggiatura: Andy Warhol - Formato: B.N.
Cast: Jack Smith, Baby Jane Holzer, Beverly Grant, Ivy Nicholson, Naomi Levine, David Bourdon, Sam Green, Mario Montez, Gregory Battcock, Mark Lancaster.
Trama e
commenti: «Cultissimo
warholiano osteggiato dalla DC Comics... Nel ruolo del Conte, un’icona
dell’underground americano, il regista Jack Smith, praticamente il maestro di
Paul Morrisey e di John Waters».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
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«Mark Lancaster
was cast in Batman Dracula when he arrived at the Factory one afternoon when
they happened to be shooting it. Pop Artist Richard Hamilton had told Mark, who
was originally from Yorkshire, to look up Andy when Mark was going to New York.
Andy had met Hamilton at a party for a Marcel Duchamp exhibition which Andy and
his entourage had attended...».