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1974, regia di John Boorman
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: 20th Century Fox, John Boorman Productions - Distribuzione: 20th Century Fox Film Corporation, Fox Rank Distributors - Soggetto (dal testo di Lyman Frank Baum): John Boorman - Sceneggiatura: John Boorman - Fotografia: Geoffrey Unsworth - Montaggio: John Merritt - Scenografia: John Hoesli - Costumi: Christel Kruse Boorman - Musiche: David Munrow (e Ludwig van Beethoven) - Effetti speciali: Gerry Johnson - Formato: Color DeLuxe - Durata: 105'.
Cast: Sean Connery, Charlotte Rampling, Sara Kestelman, John Alderton, Sally Anne Newton, Niall Buggy, Bosco Hogan, Jessica Swift, Bairbre Dowling, Christopher Casson, Reginald Jarman, Daisy Boorman, John Boorman, Katrine Boorman, Tasha Boorman.
Trama e commenti:
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- «Zardoz
è un'illusoria divinità di pietra volante grazie alla quale gli
"Immortali", governando la violenza degli "Sterminatori",
dominano Vortex con la sua popolazione di schiavi ed emarginati, unici esseri
mortali rimasti nella società del 2293. Finché proprio uno "sterminatore", Zed,
distrugge il sistema con ogni sorta di trasgressione: riesce a introdursi in
Zardoz e quindi in Vortex, ridando così inizio alla vita umana secondo i cicli
naturali. Corrusco, dionisiaco "ritorno al futuro" mitologico scritto e diretto
da John Boorman e vigorosamente interpretato da Sean Connery, tra simbolismo
esasperato ed elucubrazioni intellettuali».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
«Frequently brilliant director Boorman--always an interesting visual
stylist--falls flat on his face with this pretentious piece of science-fiction
claptrap that presents its dull ideas in such a confused and annoying fashion as
to anger even the most devoted fan of the genre. The year is 2293, and Earth has
been divided into two distinct camps. The Brutals are a race of crude, violent
people who live in a desolated area known as the Outlands. Their population is
kept under control by an elite group of killers known as the Exterminators. The
Exterminators worship a pagan god called Zardoz who comes to them in the form of
a giant stone head that floats into their domain and spews guns and ammunition
out of its mouth. One of the Exterminators, Connery, begins to question his
faith in Zardoz and stows away inside the mouth of the giant head to see where
it will take him. Before it lands, he spies a man inside the head with him,
Buggy, and immediately shoots him. Buggy falls to his death from the mouth of
the flying stone head. ... Zardoz (the word is a contraction of The
Wizard of Oz, the book that inspired those clever Eternals to trick the
Exterminators) is a mess. The first five minutes of the film--where the giant
stone head floats into the Outland and spews guns at the Exterminators--are
visually stunning. From the moment Connery lands in the Vortex, the film
collapses into a frustrating mess of pompous dialogue, bad costuming, dull
performances, and just plain lousy narrative storytelling. Director Boorman has
made some brilliant films, particularly when he toyed with a genre in order to
re-create it. ZARDOZ, however, is pretentious sludge with some memorable visuals.
By the end of this insufferable film the viewer is left to ponder the deep
philosophical notion that it is better to die than to live forever. Big deal».
Approfondimenti: Movie