Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Indice alfabetico dei film |
1980, regia di Umberto Lenzi
Scheda: Nazione: Italia-Spagna - Produzione: Dialchi Film (Roma), Lotus Films (Madrid) - Distribuzione: Golden Video, Arca Produzioni Audiovisive, AVO Film, 21st Century Distribution, Cinema Group, Continental Video, New Star Video - Soggetto: Antonio Cesare Corti - Sceneggiatura: Antonio Cesare Corti, Luis María Delgado, Piero Regnoli - Fotografia: Hans Burman - Montaggio: Daniele Alabiso - Scenografia: Mario Molli - Costumi: Silvana Scandariato - Musiche: Stelvio Cipriani - Formato: Eastmancolor - Durata: 91'.
Cast: Hugo Stiglitz, Laura Trotter, Mel Ferrer, Maria Rosaria Omaggio, Francisco Rabal, Sonia Viviani, Eduardo Fajardo, Stefania D'Amario, Ugo Bologna, Sara Franchetti, Manuel Zarzo, Tom Felleghy, Pierangelo Civera, Umberto Lenzi, Giovanni Lombardo Radice.
Trama e commenti:
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- doctor freudstein:
«...Normalmente in un film del genere l'attrattiva principale sono le scene
splatter ed i trucchi degli zombie, ma di sangue purtroppo ce n'è davvero poco
(e per di più versato male) ... Ma forse è proprio per tutte queste cose che
una tale pellicola andrebbe vista, tanto per passare una serata tra amici,
ridendo e scherzando di fronte alle facce inespressive degli attori...».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
«On the surface
Nightmare City, or Incubo Sulla Città Contaminata, is a zombie movie
rather than a vampire movie. However, it is a thin piece of paper, sometimes,
that goes between the two genres because, as we know, the Romero based zombie
flick was actually inspired by a vampire story. In this case we have the
contaminated, but they wield weapons, drive vehicles and can – it would appear –
communicate, if only at a rudimentary level. They also need blood rather than
flesh. The film starts with a news report about a radiation spill. The report
says that one Professor Hagenbecks is flying into the city the next day. Dean
Miller (Hugo Stiglitz) is sent to interview him. He attends the airport with his
cameraman but the Professor hasn’t arrived. In the control tower they have
noticed an unauthorised blip on the radar that turns out to be a Hercules
Transport that makes an emergency landing. The plane lands and the police and
emergency crews head to it – Miller follows. They cannot see the pilot – though
he did communicate with the tower – and demand the door is opened. Eventually it
does open and Hagenbeck is there; he stabs the first man in the way and then a
horde of people spill out of the plane and attack. Gunshots do not seem to
bother them and many have a funky face thing going on. One loses an arm and
still goes on. We see one slit a throat of a victim and drink the blood. Miller
and his cameraman leg it in a stolen vehicle. ...».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Esempio tra i tanti di... Medioevo post-atomico, con zombi che sembrano vampiri. Conosciuto anche con i titoli: L'avion de l'Apocalypse; La invasión de los zombies atómicos; Grossangriff der Zombies; City of the Walking Dead; Invasion by the Atomic Zombies; Nightmare City.