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HIGHLANDEr (serie tv)
1992-1999, vari registi
Scheda: Nazione: Canada-Francia - Produzione: Brent-Karl Clackson, Ken Gord, Nicolas Clermont - Soggetto: Gregory Widen - Sceneggiatura: Beatrice Mthouret, David Tynan, Fabrice Ziolkowski, Guy Mullaly, Sophia Decroisette - Fotografia: Manuel Teran - Montaggio: Donald Paonessa, Rick Martin - Musica: Freddie Mercury, Roger Bellon - Effetti speciali: Rory Cutler - Formato: Color.
Cast: Adrian Paul, Philip Akin, Jim Byrnes, Elizabeth Gracen, Lisa Howard, Stan Kirsch, Werner Stocker, Alexandra Vandernoot, Peter Wingfield, Amanda Wyss, Paul Johansson, Patricia Gage.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb -
- «...With
the 1992-97 television series (the first season of which makes its way to DVD
this month by way of the genre-fan's best friend, Anchor Bay, in a handsome
nine-disc set featuring all 22 episodes of the first year's run), Highlander
reveals itself to be a premise that's endlessly reductive, displaying the same
weaknesses as the "V" television series in relation to the magnificent
bastard fromage of the first V mini-series: lower budget, excrescent effects
work, confused performance, and the restrictions of a looser narrative arc...».
Approfondimenti: Movie