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Giovanna d'Arco
(Joan of Arc)
1999, regia di Christian Duguay
Scheda: Nazione: Canada - Produzione: Alliance Atlantis Communications, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Distribuzione: Mediaset RTI, CBS Television, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Soggetto: Michael Alexander Miller - Sceneggiatura: Michael Alexander Miller, Ronald Parker - Fotografia: Pierre Gill - Montaggio: Ralph Brunjes - Scenografia: Pavel Hemmy - Costumi: John Hay - Direzione artistica: Shannon Grover, Martin Martinec - Musica: Asher Ettinger, John Herberman, Tony Kosinec, Philip Stanger - Effetti speciali: Calibre Digital Pictures, Gajdecki Visual Effects - Formato: Colore - Durata: 140' (180').
Cast: Leelee Sobieski, Jacqueline Bisset, Powers Boothe, Neil Patrick Harris, Maury Chaykin, Olympia Dukakis, Jonathan Hyde, Robert Loggia, Shirley MacLaine, Peter O'Toole, Maximilian Schell, Peter Strauss, Chad Willett, Ron White, Jaimz Woolvett, Ted Atherton, Chandra Engstrom.
Trama e commenti:
«Ragazzina, Giovanna sentiva le voci. Anni
dopo, lascia il villaggio di Domremy per iniziare la sua missione: unificare la
Francia sotto Re Carlo. Ma il delfino la manipolerą e finirą per venderla agli
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
- «A
literal interpretation of the oft-produced biography of 15th century historical
heroine Joan d'Arc, this four-hour television miniseries version of Joan's story
is lavishly produced. In a tiny village during the Hundred Years' War, teenager
Joan d'Arc (Leelee Sobieski) has been raised by her parents, flinty Peter (Powers
Boothe) and Isabelle (Jacqueline Bisset), amidst the wreckage continually
wrought by British incursions into the area. A devout girl, Joan experiences
visions of St. Catherine, which lead her to believe that she may be the "Maid of
Orleans," a mythical figure who will lead France to victory over its enemies.
Counseled by local priest Father Monet (Robert Loggia), Joan pursues her destiny
in spite of her father's wishes. At first supported only by lowly commoners,
Joan comes to the attention of the Dauphin, King Charles (Neil Patrick Harris).
Together with his scheming advisor Bishop Cauchon (Emmy-winner Peter O'Toole),
Charles uses Joan to unite his quarreling factions. Skeptical but superstitious,
Charles' generals, including La Hire (Peter Strauss) are eventually won over by
Joan's startling victories. But awaiting Joan is a disastrous Parisian campaign
and Charles' betrayal» (Karl Williams).
Approfondimenti: Movie
Da una miniserie tv americana.