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(Wo Hu Chan Long)
2000, regia di Ang Lee
Scheda: Nazione: Cina-Hong Kong-Taiwan-USA - Produzione: Asia Union Film & Entertainment, China Film Co-Production Corporation, Columbia Pictures Film Production Asia, Edko Films, Good Machine, Sony Pictures Classics, United China Vision, Zoom Hunt International Productions Company - Distribuzione: BIM, Arthaus Filmverleih, Blackwatch Releasing, Columbia TriStar Films, Continental Film, Edko Film, Indies Film Distribution, LK-TEL, Lauren Film, Sony Pictures Classics, Warner Bros. - Soggetto (dall'omonimo romanzo di Du Lu Wang): Hui-Ling Wang, James Schamus - Sceneggiatura: Hui-Ling Wang, James Schamus, Kuo Jung Tsai - Fotografia: Peter Pau - Montaggio: Tim Squyres - Scenografia: Timmy Yip - Costumi: Timmy Yip - Musiche: Jorge Calandrelli, Tan Dun, Yong King - Coreografie delle scene di lotta: Yuen Woo-Ping - Effetti speciali: John 'D.J.' Des Jardin, Rob Hodgson, Matt Magnolia - Formato: Technicolor - Durata: 120'.
Cast: Yun-Fat Chow, Michelle Yeoh, Ziyi Zhang, Chen Chang, Sihung Lung, Pei-pei Cheng, Fa Zeng Li, Xian Gao, Yan Hai, De Ming Wang, Li Li, Su Ying Huang, Jin Ting Zhang, Rei Yang, Kai Li, Jian Hua Feng, Zhen Xi Du, Cheng Lin Xu, Feng Lin, Wen Sheng Wang, Dong Song, Zhong Xuan Ma, Bao Cheng Li, Yong De Yang, Shao Jun Zhang, Ning Ma, Jian Min Zhu, Chang Cheng Don, Yi Shih.
Trama e commenti:
«Il destino di due donne si incrocia sotto la
dinastia dei Ching. Una cerca appassionatamente di liberarsi dalle costrizioni
che la società le impone anche se per far ciò deve rinunciare ai privilegi
aristocratici a cui è abituata. L'altra dedica la vita a combattere
per la giustizia e l'onore e scopre troppo tardi le conseguenze di un amore
non vissuto. Il loro destino le condurrà ad una violenta e sorprendente
rivelazione per la quale faranno una scelta del tutto inattesa».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
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«Taiwanese filmmaker Ang Lee took a break from
making Western period dramas to fashion this wild and woolly martial arts
spectacular featuring special effects and action sequences courtesy of the
choreographer of The Matrix (1999), Yuen Woo Ping. In the early 19th
century, martial arts master Li Mu Bai (Chow Yun-Fat) is about to retire and
enter a life of meditation, though he quietly longs to avenge the death of his
master, who was killed by Jade Fox (Cheng Pei-pei). He gives his sword, a fabled
400-year-old weapon known as Green Destiny, to his friend, fellow martial arts
wizard and secret love Yu Shu Lien (Michelle Yeoh), so that she may deliver it
to Sir Te (Sihung Lung). Upon arrival in Peking, Yu happens upon Jen (Zhang Ziyi),
a vivacious, willful politician's daughter. That night, a mysterious masked
thief swipes Green Destiny, with Yu in hot pursuit — resulting in the first of
several martial arts action set pieces during the film. Li arrives in Beijing
and eventually discovers that Jen is not only the masked thief but is also in
cahoots with the evil Jade. In spite of this, Li sees great talent in Jen as a
fighter and offers to school her in the finer points of martial arts and
selflessness, an offer that Jen promptly rebukes. This film was first screened
to much acclaim at the 2000 Cannes, Toronto, and New York film festivals and
became a favorite when Academy Awards nominations were announced in 2001: Tiger
snagged ten nods and later secured four wins for Best Cinematography, Score, Art
Direction, and Foreign Language Film» (Jonathan
Approfondimenti: Movie
Il film non riguarda il periodo medievale (occidentale), ma per diversi aspetti ne riecheggia le atmosfere. Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Gua hu chang long; Wo hu cang long.
La recensione di Severino Faccin su "Terre di Confine"