(Romeo i Julietta)
1955, regia di Lev Arnshtam, Leonid Lavrovsky
Scheda: Nazione: URSS - Produzione: Mosfilm - Distribuzione: Regionale (Manderfilm), Corinth Films, Kultur International Films Ltd., Tohan Pictures Company - Soggetto: dall'omonimo balletto di Leonid Lavrovsky, ispirato a Giulietta e Romeo di William Shakespeare - Fotografia: Chen-U-Lang, Aleksandr Shelenkov - Montaggio: Lichorshin - Musica: Sergei Prokofiev - Formato: Magicolor - Durata: 92'.
Cast: Galina Ulanova, Yuri Zhdanov, I. Olenina, Aleksandr Radunsky, Y. Ilyushenko, A. Yermolayev, Sergei Koren, B. Kudryashev, L. Loshchilin, A. Lapauri, Georgi Farmanyants, S. Uvarov.
Trama e commenti: tencinema.net
«Versione cinematografica del balletto di Prokofiev interpretata da una
delle pił grandi ballerine sovietiche...».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: entertainment.msn.com
- tvguide.com
- jcgi.pathfinder.com:
«...the great Ulanova in action.The action takes place among massive stone arches, against a brooding Verona-like
background-actually the hills of the Crimea, near Yalta. To the tune of Prokofiev's rather overexalted music, and the gentle narration of a voice in English, the plot thickens speedily; servants of the feuding Montagues and Capulets meet and taunt one another into a brawl that fills the square. Soon the entire cast is introduced: Romeo, handsome and brawny; Friend Mercutio, here a playboy with wonderfully impudent toes; Tybalt, an arrogant, bloodthirsty Capulet; the stony senior Capulets and Montagues; and, last and best, Ulanova's Juliet, not quite girlish and a bit plumper about the waist than the American fashion in
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: The Ballet of Romeo and Juliet; Romeo and Juliet.