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The Execution of Mary Stuart
1895, regia di Alfred Clark
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Edison Manufacturing Company - Distribuzione: Edison Manufacturing Company - Fotografia: William Heise - Formato: B.N., muto - Durata: 1'.
Cast: Robert Thomae.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
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«The first death scene where we can positively identify the actor was shot by Edison's production company three months later on August 28, 1895. The film was called
The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, and it is described as a "realistic reproduction of this famous historical scene". Mary was played by Robert
Thomae, and the film may have been the first to use stop–motion substitution to show the decapitation of Mary. Just before the beheading took place the camera stopped and the actor (Robert
Thomae) was replaced by a dummy. Then the filming resumed. When the two takes were spliced together it appeared to be one continuous
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots.
The Loves of Mary, Queen of Scots
1923, regia di Denison Clift
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: Ideal - Distribuzione: Ideal Films Ltd. - Soggetto: Denison Clift - Sceneggiatura: Denison Clift - Formato: B.N., muto.
Cast: Ellen Compton, Fay Compton, Gerald Ames, Harvey Braban, Jack Cardiff,Lionel d'Aragon, Ernest A. Douglas, Betty Faire, Dorothy Fane, Julie Hartley-Milburn, Nancy Kenyon, René Maupré, Donald McCardle, Irene Rooke, Ivan Samson, Sydney Seaward, Edward Sorley, John Stuart.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
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1988, regia di Petr Weigl
Scheda: Nazione: Germania Ovest - Produzione: Martin Martinec - Soggetto: dall'opera di Friedrich Schiller, libretto di Giuseppe Bardari - Musical Director: Richard Bonynge - Musiche: Friedrich Schiller - Formato: Color - Durata: 90'.
Cast: Luciano Pavarotti, Joan Sutherland, Milan Knazko, Kamila Magálová, Huguette Tourangeau.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb