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1965, regia di Stuart Burge
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: BHE - Distribuzione: INDIEF - Soggetto: dall'omonima tragedia di William Shakespeare - Sceneggiatura: Margaret Unsworth - Fotografia: Geoffrey Unsworth - Montaggio: Richard Marden - Musiche: Richard Hampton - Formato: Panavision Technicolor - Durata: 149'.
Cast: Laurence Oliv
ier, Frank Finlay, Derek Jacobi, Robert Lang, Kenneth Mackintosh, Anthony Nicholls, Joyce Redman, Sheila Reid, Maggie Smith.
Trama e commenti:
- «č
la trasposizione filmica di uno spettacolo messo in scena da Olivier al National
Theatre di Londra. Conta soltanto come registrazione. Di primo ordine la
compagnia degli interpreti».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb -
«The 1965 Othello is literally a photographed stage play: a filmed record of the National Theatre Production of 1964, as staged by John Dexter and starring Laurence Olivier. As the easily led, fatally jealous Moor of Venice, Olivier wears thick black-faced makeup and speaks in an uncharacteristically deep, bellow-like voice. Some considered his portrayal of Othello to be an unflattering stereotype; others regard Olivier's interpretation as one of the finest Shakespearean performances ever captured on film. Less flamboyant, but no less effective, are Frank Finlay as Iago, Maggie Smith as Desdemona, Derek Jacobi as Cassio, and Joyce Redman as Emilia. Oscar nominations went to Olivier, Finlay, Smith, and
Redman» (Hal Erickson).
Approfondimenti: Movie