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Marco Polo: Return to Xanadu
2001, regia di Ron Merk
Scheda: Nazione: USA-Cina-Repubblica Slovacca - Produzione: The Tooniversal Company - Distribuzione: Koan Inc. - Soggetto: Ron Merk, Chris Holter, Sheldon Moldoff - Sceneggiatura: Ron Merk, Chris Holter, Sheldon Moldoff - Musiche: Chris Many - Effetti speciali: Christopher Dusendschon - Formato: Color, animazione - Durata: 82'.
Voci: Paul Ainsley, Alan Altshuld, Elea Bartling, Nicholas Gonzalez, John C. Hyke, Michael Kostroff, Robert Kramer, John Matthew, Tim Byron Owen, Tony Pope.
Trama e commenti: - -
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: - - «...the story of one of the descendants of Marco Polo. Named for his
ancestor, young Marco takes a journey to the mythical kingdom of Xanadu (and no, not the one where Olivia Newton John sings to Michael
Beck). He overcomes the many dangers put in his way by the evil magician
Foo-Ling, who doesn’t want young Marco to reach his destination. Foo-Ling has seized the throne and wants to marry Princess Ming Yu and knows that Marco will be his
undoing. But with the help of his friends, Reginald the Seagull, the mysterious
Babu, and the Delicate Dinosaur, Marco and the Princess manage to join the two halves of a magical medallion...».
Approfondimenti: Movie