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Artù, Lancillotto, Ivanhoe e dintorni

Won Cinema Writers Circle Awards Spain, Special Award - Nominated Cannes Film Festival, Grand Prize of the Festival

la leggenda di parsifal


1951, regia di Daniel Mangrané, Carlos Serrano de Osma


Scheda: Nazione: Spagna - Produzione: Selecciones Huguet - Distribuzione: Pico, Selecciones Huguet, Studio Films Inc. - Soggetto: Daniel Mangrané - Sceneggiatura: Daniel Mangrané, Francisco Naranjo, José Antonio Pérez Torreblanca, Carlos Serrano de Osma - Fotografia: Cecilio Paniagua - Montaggio: Antonio Cánovas - Musiche: dall'opera Parsifal di Richard Wagner - Effetti speciali: Daniel Mangrané - Formato: B.-N. - Durata: 89'.

Cast: Carmen de Lirio, Gustavo Rojo, Ludmilla Tchérina, Carlo Tamberlani, Nuria Alfonso, José Bruguera, Tony Domenech, Alfonso Estela, Ricardo Fusté, Victoriano González, José Luis Hernández, Ángel Jordán, Rosa Monero, Elena Montevar, José Manuel Pinillos, Teresa Planell, Félix de Pomés, Josefina Ramos, José Tusset, Jesús Varela, Carmen Zaro, Lupe de Molina.

Trama e commenti: «La splendida musica di Wagner sostiene un film banale e svolto pedissequamente: Parsifal, figlio di un re ucciso a tradimento e dal quale ha ereditato un temibile arco, vive nella foresta. L'assassino di suo padre si impadronisce della Sacra Lancia, ma egli la riconquista e lo uccide».

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb: «To escape enemy bombing, two soldiers take refuge in a deserted church where they discover a manuscript dating back to the fifth century when barbarian hordes ravaged the Spanish countryside. It tells of two warriors, Roderico, who opposes war and useless bloodshed, who is slain by Klingsor, who takes over as the tribal chief. The dead man's widow flees to seek the Holy Mountain where the Knights of the Grail guard the Sacred Spear and the Holy Grail, but she fails to find it. She dies but her young son, Parsifal, survives and reaches maturity free from worldly temptations, evil and cruelty. He visits the Holy Mountain and meets Kundry, daughter of Klingsor, and they seemingly fall in love. She is ordered by her father to trap Parsifal, but she fails. Klingsor has the Holy Spear which discourages the Knight of the Grail. Parsifal pledges to get it back and Klingsor tries again to use his daughter to discourage him, but to no avail. He also tries to trap Parsival in the Evil Forest of the Seven Deadly Sins, but Parsival wins out and retrieves the Sacred Spear. He is permitted into the cave where the Holy Grail is kept. Kundry, too, is present, having cleansed herself of evil» (Les Adams).


Conosciuto anche con il titolo: The Evil Forest.



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