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Girando Othello
(Filming Othello)
1978, regia di Orson Welles
Scheda: Nazione: Germania (Ovest) - Produzione: Flaus Hellwig, Jurgen Hellwig - Distribuzione: Independent Images - Soggetto (ispirato all'omonima tragedia di William Shakespeare): Orson Welles - Sceneggiatura: Orson Welles - Fotografia: Gary Graver - Montaggio: Marty Roth - Musiche: Alberto Barberis, Angelo Francesco Lavagnino - Formato: Color, documentario - Durata: 84' (90').
Cast: Orson Welles, Robert Coote, Hilton Edwards, Miche
al MacLiammoir, Bob Stewart.
Trama e commenti:
- «Prodotto dalla seconda Rete della TV tedesca, č la rievocazione della laboriosa lavorazione del film
(tre anni di riprese a intervalli, dal 1950 al 1952; quattro attrici per Desdemona; produttori falliti; negativi sequestrati), fatta da O. Welles con due amici attori, H. Edwards e M. MacLiammoir (che in
Othello interpreta Iago), con studenti di un'Universitą di Boston o da solo, davanti alla moviola. Welles ne approfitta per spiegare il proprio mestiere e le sue idee sul
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
- «Filming
Othello was Orson Welles last completed film, and regrettably it never
received any formal distribution in America. It was a project proposed to
Welles by a West German Television station, although four years elapsed from
the time Welles began work on the project in 1974, and the film's premiere
in 1978. It seems probable that after Welles received the initial
inspiration (from the German producers) to make the film, he decided to make
it as a personal essay film. Since Welles would continually come up with new
ideas while he was shooting, that meant he would do it at his own pace, and
(like most of his later projects), with his own money. In this regard, Filming
Othello strangely mirrors the working methods that Welles was forced to
employ on Othello
itself, although it was obviously not quite as chaotic as Othello.
Indeed, Filming Othello was a much more leisurely undertaking. Welles
would simply shoot whenever he felt like it, usually in the evenings at his
home in Hollywood, and he allowed long lapses to occur while he was busy
with more important projects, such as The Other Side of the Wind.
Although Filming Othello is a valuable document on the making of
Othello, it is also a very minor Welles film, since it consists almost
entirely of a long monologue by Welles, as he explains all the mishaps that occurred while he was shooting
Othello...» (Lawrence French).
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Erinnerungen an 'Othello'.