Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Indice alfabetico dei film |
1960, regia di Aleksander Ford
Nazione: Polonia
- Produzione: ZRF Studio - Distribuzione: Belle
& Blade Studios, Something Weird Video,
Atlantis - Soggetto: dal romanzo omonimo di Henryk Sienkiewicz
- Sceneggiatura: Aleksander Ford,
Leon Kruczkowski, Jerzy Stefan Stawinski
- Fotografia: Mieczyslaw Jahoda
- Montaggio: Alina Faflik,
Miroslawa Garlicka - Costumi: Michelle
Zahorska, Lech Zahorski
- Musiche: Kazimierz Serocki - Formato: Panoramica
Eastmancolor - Durata: 180'.
Cast: Tadeusz Bialoszczynski, Henryk Borowski, Seweryn Butrym, Aleksander Fogiel, Barbara Horawianka, Stanislaw Jasiukiewicz, Mieczyslaw Kalenik, Emil Karewicz, Józef Kostecki, Tadeusz Kosudarski, Urszula Modrzynska, Leon Niemczyk. Wlodzimierz Skoczylas, Zbigniew Skowronski, Grazyna Staniszewska, Mieczyslaw Stoor, Janusz Strachocki, Andrzej Szalawski, Mieczyslaw Voit, Lucyna Winnicka.
«La lotta vittoriosa dei polacchi contro lordine dei Cavalieri Teutonici, conclusa con la battaglia del 1410, mentre sullo sfondo di questo evento storico si intreccia la drammatica storia di Danusia, figlia del signore di Sprychov»
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Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
«During the Teutonic invasion of Poland in the
15th century, Szalawski's wife is put to death because of her husband's brave
fighting against the victors. Years later his daughter, Staniszewska, visits the
court of Mazovia and falls in love with Kalenik, who swears to avenge the
mother's death. He is caught attacking a Teutonic emissary and is sentenced to
death. Staniszewska saves him by placing her veil over his head, and the two
become engaged. But the Teutonic knights capture Staniszewska and her father,
torturing the latter. When a new king takes over Teutonic rule, he declares war
on Poland and is defeated at the Battle of Grunewald. Kalenik continues his
search for Staniszewska, but when he finds her she is insane. When she dies, he
returns home to his childhood girl friend».
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Black Cross; Knights of the Black Cross; Knights of the Teutonic Order; Les chevaliers teutoniques.