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Apriti Sesamo...

Ali Baba et les quarante voleurs

1902, regia di Ferdinand Zecca


Scheda: NazioneFrancia - ProduzionePathé Frères - DistribuzioneEdison Manufacturing Company, Pathé Frères, S. Lubin - Soggetto: dalle Mille e una Notte - Fotografia: Ferdinand Zecca - Direzione artistica: Albert Colla - FormatoB.N., colorato a mano, muto - Durata: 8'.




Trama e commenti: - - «Interessante corto di Zecca (oltre otto minuti, colorato a mano) che purtroppo viene parzialmante rovinato da alcuni balletti che allungano il brodo e rallentano il ritmo. Peccato, perché ci sono momenti assai azzeccati, come gli "Àpriti Sèsamo!" e una sorprendente decapitazione con la scimitarra. Comunque da non trascurare» (B. Legnani).

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - http://www.o be 1905, especially as it is in colour and 1905 was the year in which Pathe patented their stencil colouring process. Anyway, it’s quite an extravagant picture for its day but, like so many other films from the period, it assumes that the viewer is already familiar with the story it tells – in this instance, the tale of Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves. Each scene – there are about ten or so – is introduced by an intertitle which serves as a chapter heading, but the titles are in French so if you’re not familiar with the language you may lose the plot. Despite the obvious care and attention to detail lavished on the film, you can easily imagine you’re watching a home-made video of some amateur dramatics stage show and it does become slightly tedious after a while. Much of the time is spent watching veiled ladies dancing around the set, which is very nice but quickly grows monotonous. The acting is also of the ‘exaggerated gesture’ school which looks totally over the top today». «Scène comique en 12 tableaux. Alors qu'il ramasse du bois dans la forêt, Ali Baba croise un bande de voleurs transportant leur butin. Il entend la formule magique prononcée par le chef, qui ouvre une porte secrète dans la montagne et donne accès à une grotte pleine des trésors entreposés là par les voleurs. Ali Baba n'y résiste pas et...».





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