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1972, regia di Vittorio De Sisti
Scheda: Nazione: Italia - Produzione: Juma - Distribuzione: Regionale, Capitol Video, Video Vamp - Soggetto Fabio Pittorru - Sceneggiatura: Vittorio De Sisti, Fabio Pittorru - Fotografia: Erico Menczer - Montaggio: Gabriella Cristiani - Costumi: Sergio Canevari - Musiche: Ennio Morricone - Formato: Panoramica Eastmancolor - Durata: 103'.
Cast: Gastone Moschin, Graziella Galvani, Piero Vida, Felice Andreasi, Renzo Montagnani, Ewa Aulin, Ornella Muti, Angela Covello, Rodolfo Baldini, Janet Agren, Gianni Macchia, Attilio Duse, Jenny Tamburi, Mario Carotenuto, Marcello Bonini Olas, Sergio Tramonti, Renzo Marignano.
Trama e commenti:
«Nella campagna padovana, intorno alla metà del '500, un contadino povero, Ruzante, vende - per andar soldato di ventura - la sua sola ricchezza: la vacca Fiorina. L'acquista, coi soldi di sua moglie Jacomina, un altro villano, Menego. Vittima di un astuto imbroglio di Michelon, però, egli perde, in una volta, consorte e vacca. Il nuovo proprietario affida Fiorina alla custodia di sua moglie Betta, che se la lascia portar via da tre sonatori ambulanti. Condotta al mercato, la vacca finisce nella stalla di Sandron, ma non per molto. Tre soldatacci, infatti, la rubano e la rivendono a padron Beolco. Ricco sfondato, costui, cacciata la vecchia amante, se ne procura, per mezzo di un ruffiano, una nuova: Fiorina (ha lo stesso nome della vacca) moglie affamata del povero Ruzante. Un bel giorno, questi torna dalla guerra, più lacero e malridotto di prima: contenta del suo nuovo stato, la moglie non vuol tornare con lui. Ruzante insiste, affronta gli uomini di Beolco, ma ne riceve tante bastonate da decidere che è meglio per lui tornare a far la
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
- IMDb:
«The "decamerotici" is not a genre most in the English-speaking world are
too familiar with as they were rarely translated into English or released
outside of Italy. These ribald period sex comedies were ostensibly based on
Bocaccio's famous renaissance collection of often racy morality tales, "The
Decameron", but were more directly based on the hit Pasolini movie of the
same name (I suspect some of the hack filmmakers of these things had never
even read Bocaccio). Many of these films have the word "Decameron" in the
title and are even based on specific tales from the book, while others are
merely set in the same, pre-Renaissance period and are the same bawdy spirit
like "Ubalda, All Naked and Warm" (the only one so far to get a decent
English-subtitled release) and this one. This film is told in vignettes like
a lot of the more faithful "decamerotici", but like "Ubalda" the vignettes
are based on the same group of characters in a single village and loosely
tied together by a "vacca" (a cow) called "Fiorina". These period movies are
slightly more sophisticated than most Italian sex movies (that is slightly
more sophisticated than a loud fart at the dinner table), but I would still
maintain that the main (and perhaps only) reason to watch them is the women.
You could generally divide the women in 1970's Italian exploitation movie
into two broad characters, the "madonnas", voluptuous older women like
Rosalba Neri or Mariangela Giordano, and the "lolitas", the not-much-less
voluptuous but younger and more nublie actresses like Gloria Guida and
Ornella Muti. Most of these films naturally utilized the former (or Edwige
Fenech who was in a class by herself), but this one strangely has a lot of
the latter. Swedish actress Ewa Aulin has the biggest role. She was most
famous as the 17-year-old title character of the racy, big-budget
comedy/satire "Candy", who a lot of big-time Hollywood actors and
celebrities (Marlon Brando, Richard Burton, Ringo Starr) got a taste of (when
they weren't mercilessly chewing all the scenery around her). Here she plays
a lonely wife whose loutish husband disguises himself as a Spanish soldier
to see if she'll cheat on him for money. Her nice, long nude scene almost
keeps you from wondering what a blonde Swede is doing in medieval Italy».