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(Arabian Nights)
2000, regia di Steve Barron
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Golden Horn Films, Hallmark Entertainment - Distribuzione: American Broadcasting Company - Sceneggiatura: Peter Barnes - Fotografia: Remi Adefarasin - Montaggio: David Yardley - Costumi: Maurizio Millenotti - Scenografia: Dominic Smithers - Direzione artistica: Choi Ho Man - Musiche: Richard Harvey - Effetti speciali: Asa Shoul, Gareth Wingrove - Formato: Colore - Durata: 139'.
Cast: Mili Avital, Alan Bates, James Frain, Tchéky Karyo, Jason Scott Lee, John Leguizamo, Vanessa Mae, Dougray Scott, Rufus Sewel, Jim Carter, Peter Guinness, Hugh Quarshie, Pik Sen Lim, Amira Casar, Andy Serkis, Alexis Conran.
Trama e commenti:
«Schariar, sultano di Bagdad, odia le donne. L'uomo, deciso a non
sposarsi più cambia, idea quando incontra Sheherazade. Pur essendo ammaliato
dalla bellezza della giovane, decide di ucciderla dopo la prima notte di nozze.
La donna per rimandare la propria esecuzione, si mette a raccontare
storie straordinarie....».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
- - - - IMDb: «Long ago, the Sultan Schariar has gone mad after his traumatizing near assassination in which his wife collaborated and died at his hands as a result. Now he has a paranoid suspicion of women which he plans to express in a diabolical plan, and that is to marry a woman from the harem and then have her executed the very next morning. To prevent this, the Grand Vizier's daughter and a childhood friend of the Sultan, Scheherezade, offers herself to be that bride. Now, she must gamble that her plan will work as she tries to cure his madness by telling him story after wondrous story which...».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Serie televisiva.