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Die Vampirschwestern
2012, regia di Wolfgang Groos
Scheda: Nazione: Germania - Produzione: Claussen/Wöbke/Putz Filmproduktion, Deutsche Columbia Pictures Film Produktion - Distribuzione: Sony Pictures Releasing, ARRI Media Worldsales, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - Soggetto: dall'omonimo romanzo di Franziska Gehm - Sceneggiatura: Ursula Gruber - Fotografia: Bernhard Jasper - Montaggio: Stefan Essl - Art Director: Bettina Morell, Ralf Schreck - Scenografia: Anette Ingerl - Set Decoration: Meike Urban - Costumi: Anke Winckler - Musiche: Helmut Zerlett - Effetti speciali: Sebastian Bulst, Dirk Lange, Christian Schnellhammer - Formato: Color - Durata: 97'.
Marta Martin, Laura
Roge, Christiane Paul, Stipe Erceg, Michael Kessler,
Richy Müller, Jamie Bick,
Jonas Holdenrieder, Jeremias Meyer, Maj Jablonski, Robin Kirsch, Xaver Wegler,
Viola von der Burg, Christian Koch, Regine Vergeen, Hans-Peter Deppe.
Trama e commenti: - - «Silvania
e Dakaria, sorelle di dodici anni, si trasferiscono con il padre in una città
tedesca per cominciare una nuova vita. Tutto scorrerebbe normale se non fosse
che il padre è un vampiro e loro due sono metà umane e metà vampire.
Salvaguardare la loro identità, farsi nuovi amici, difendersi dai bulli e
imparare a sfuggire alle insidie di vicini troppo curiosi diventano attività
troppo complicate da gestire e, per lasciarsi i problemi alle spalle, le due
sorelle ricorrono alla magia. L'incantesimo però non funziona come dovrebbe e
presto la situazione peggiora».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
«The two
twelve year old half-vampire sisters, Silvania and Dakaria pull Mihai and her
mother's people together with their parents, the father of vampire Elvira Tepes
of Transylvania in a German town. This is tantamount to a culture shock for the
sisters Very much uneven. While Darkaria is rightly not quite in the human
world, Silvania enjoying her humanness. In the school they To find no right
connection, although between Jacob and Silvania a little romance seems to
develop themselves. The hard of hearing Helene, who hides her disability however
is only girlfriend. Dirk van Kombast, a neighbor of the family, finds something
wrong with its neighbors and ordered himself a Vampire Hunter equipment over the
Internet. When finally even Dakarias flight competition to fail is doomed
because she has not enough air force as a half-vampire and Jacob because of the
acute danger of sunburn Silvania can visit not the swimming pool, the two To
want change their situation. By chance, they discover Schick, which can meet
them a heart's desire am the shop of Ali. Although he warns them that the wishes
are dangerous, but the two are sure: Silvania wants to become a real man,
Dakaria a real vampire. But Ali bin accidentally swapped the wishes of Schick.
So there are numerous complications: Silvania wants to drink blood of Jacobs,
Dakaria, is being bullied by the bullies of the school and can not defend
themselves. You are desperately looking for Ali bin Schick. His grandson, Ludo,
coincidentally a classmate of the two, is the formula for an antidote. To
achieve this, they need a flower, but picked only at midnight and servers allows
a new passion. Along with Helene, that initiate them after a brief interlude in
their secret, searching for the flower on the cemetery. But Dirk van Kombast
comes to them in the way. Eventually they succeed but with the help of Ludo, who
turns out to be visionaries, to overcome Dirk and grab the flower. The two have
learned from their cause and return to half vampir».
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Die Vampir Schwestern; The Vampire Sisters; Las hermanas vampiresas.