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Sex Death and Rock 'n Roll: Making Vampire Blues
2016, regia di Dean Gold
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Rising Dawn Productions - Distribuzione: s - Soggetto: Dean Gold - Sceneggiatura: Dean Gold - Riprese video: Eric Golowski - Riprese video addizionali: ackie Gomez, Seth Wessel-Estes, Mitchell Langon - Montaggio: Dean Gold - Musiche: Dead Day Revolution - Formato: Color, documentario, corto - Durata: 30'.
Cast: Dean Gold, Reka Rene, Erika Apelgren, Adam Daniels, Jhoanna Trias, Kaycee Duale, Jose Zambrano Cassella, Kate Oja, Viola Perkins, Julio Salcedo, Justine DiVanna, David T. Woodruff, Ian Cromer, Sara Spadacene, David Michael, Zang Angelfire.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb - - - -
behind-the-scenes documentary Sex Death and
Rock 'n Roll: Making Vampire Blues accompanies the extended music video's
release. Director Dean Gold states " I was looking for a band that could really
kick ass and whose style would dovetail well with inspiring my cinematic
sensibilities. I found both of those things in spades with Dead Day Revolution.
I dare any rock 'n roll fan not to raise his pulse watching Dead Day Revolution:
Vampire Blues. " Mike Sandoz adds, "No other band is doing this."».
Il film è un documentario "dietro le quinte" di Vampire Blues; ne esiste anche una versione di 12', Dead Day Revolution: Vampire Blues: IMDb -