Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi) |
Queen of Blood
2014, regia di Chris Alexander
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Autonomy Pictures - Distribuzione: Autonomy Pictures - Soggetto: Chris Alexander - Sceneggiatura: Chris Alexander - Fotografia: Chris Alexander, David Goodfellow - Montaggio: Chris Alexander - Costumi: Alex Cavanagh - Musiche: Chris Alexander, Carrie Gemmell, Ali Jafri - Effetti speciali: Paul Jones, Lexy Robidoux - Formato: Color - Durata: 90'.
Cast: Carrie Gemmell, Shauna Henry, David Goodfellow, Nivek Ogre.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
judge a book by its cover, but… if the DVD cover for auteur Chris Alexander’s
first film,
Blood for Irina,
was wonderfully retro, then the poster for sequel(ish) film Queen of Blood
is simply magnificent. The film, of course, shares its name with the 1966 sci-fi
vampire flick but that is all they really share. If this film shares with
anything, it has to be Jean Rollin and, in particular, lead actress Shauna Henry
(reprising the role of Irina) seems to be channelling Françoise Blanchard’s
performance from the Living Dead Girl. But how to review… that is the question.
Blood for Irina was difficult to review. A mood piece, with little dialogue,
it moved like the fevered dreams of the director committed to film. Queen of
Blood has no dialogue, rather you are pushed along by the soundtrack, by the
imagery, by Henry’s physical presence. I should say that the screener I had
access to had an incomplete sound mix and so I am expecting the final mix to
really push the viewer along as, even in its incomplete state, it was an
integral and satisfying part of the experience. Having seen Blood for Irina was
very useful to the experience. ...».