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La leggenda dei Vampiri
(Kohtalon kirja)
2003, regia di Tommi Lepola, Tero Molin
Scheda: Nazione: Finlandia - Produzione: Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulu/ Taiteen Ja Viestinnän Osasto, Timeless Films - Distribuzione: Punto Zero, Sharada Distribuzione, Sandrew Metronome Distribution, SubTV, Sunrise Entertainment, Transformer - Soggetto: Tommi Lepola, Tero Molin - Sceneggiatura: Tommi Lepola, Tero Molin - Fotografia: Henri Blomberg, Arno Launos, Taneli Seppälä - Montaggio: Marko Jatkola, Marjo Kreku - Art Director: Kirsi Helenius, Anna Kuparinen, Laura Tikkanen - Musiche: Erno Helen, Tapani Kuusniemi, Teemu Rimpinen - Effetti speciali: Offworld Graphics - Formato: Color - Durata: 85'.
Mikkola, Johanna Kokko, Mikko Nousiainen, Vesa Vierikko, Santeri Kinnunen,
Karoliina Blackburn, Eila Roine, Esko Roine, Jenni Ahola, Tony Halme, Perttu
Pesä, Tom Lindholm, Paavo Honkimäki, Juha Junttu, Asko Sahlman, Markku Partanen,
Saija Jäntti, Åke Lindman, Joni Saarela, Tommi Lepola, Johanna Rajala, Jarkko
Kaunismäki, Jaakko Jokio.
Trama e commenti: - - - - - «Kohtalon
Kirja (titolo internazionale The Book of Fate) è un interessante,
insolito film prodotto in Finlandia da un gruppo di giovani, ricchi più di
entusiasmo che di esperienza. Gli interpreti principali dei cinque episodi che
lo compongono, ciascuno di circa 15 minuti, sono sempre gli stessi, mentre i
ruoli ricoperti dagli attori sono invece sempre diversi. Inoltre ogni episodio è
ambientato in una diversa epoca e località della Terra, e richiama un
particolare genere cinematografico, di volta in volta l'horror, il western, il
bellico, la spy-story alla 007 e la fantascienza. Il filo conduttore è in
sostanza una "quest", la ricerca del mitico "Libro del Destino", un oggetto dai
grandi poteri perduto da una ancestrale civiltà lontana nel tempo e nello
spazio, ed alla quale dovrà essere restituito al termine di una secolare ricerca
costellata di grandi sofferenze e di tragici errori. Le prime quattro parti del
film avanzano cronologicamente verso il presente partendo dalla Transilvania di
Dracula per giungere, attraverso il Far West e la guerra russo-finlandese del
1939, ad uno scenario contemporaneo in cui lottano conturbanti spie e micidiali
agenti segreti supertecnologici. Il quinto ed ultimo episodio si svolge nel
futuro. Il solitario protagonista è questa volta un androide alla guida di una
nave spaziale diretta verso il mondo dei Thor, gli antichi proprietari del
leggendario "Libro del Destino" precipitato chissà come sulla Terra in epoche
remote. Egli porta con sè il libro finalmente ritrovato, ed è latore con esso di
un messaggio di pace e di fratellanza del genere umano. Ma il viaggio si
complica quando l'androide scopre di avere a bordo una clandestina aliena, che
sembra conoscere meglio di chiunque altro la natura e i poteri del libro
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
- - -
«The movie
is divided into five distinct episodes, each representing a different genre and
having their own subplot. Opening narration explains how the Book of Fate came
to be. It is a book that is somehow able to change reality. Another civilization
beyond the stars got it, and made a pen to control the future - by writing to
the book, things could change. This led to a war, but the book vanished. It
later reappeared on Earth in order to give another chance to a chosen soul. The
movie starts with a horror episode in Transylvania, where brothers, one of whom
is a priest, are looking for a cross that can cure their sister who has been
bitten by a vampire. As they find the cross, the priest also finds an ancient,
strange book. Then they are suddenly assaulted by vampires. Just as everything
seems to be lost and the vampire is about to defeat him, the book gives the
priest another chance, and the scene changes. The next scene starts with a
gunfight duel in a typical Western setting. A lonesome bounty hunter - who quite
resembles in appearance the priest - defeats a crook and finds the book again.
He goes to a town to collect the money, and ends up in a gunfight where he's
unable to save an innocent bystander who gets caught in crossfire. Three more
crooks arrive to the town to pressure the sheriff to release their friend from
the prison. The bounty hunter ends up in a massive gunfight, and it appears that
he's getting killed, but once again, the book intervenes. The next appearance of
the book - and a soldier who again resembles the priest - is in the Winter War -
Battle of Kollaa, Christmas Day 1939, to be specific. The soldier tries to sneak
past a Soviet post, but gets pinned down in an enemy fire. The book intervenes
just as a hand grenade is thrown at him.
The next scene opens in modern day Tampere, in a typical action movie setting. A mad professor has developed a virus that kills everyone once released. The special agents, led by another familiar figure, steal it and its vaccine, but end up roughed up and detained in a distant manor where one of the mad professor's underlings is studying the Book of Fate. After a heroic escape attempt, and accidentally shooting his friend who was on the line of fire with an enemy, he gets stuck in Särkänniemi where the mad professor is about to release the virus. The next scene, set on a space freighter, starts in virtual reality; a cyborg, again resembling the priest of the past, is playing a video game. This time, however, the priest's spirit is able to appear in the VR projection, and tries to warn the cyborg that the book can be used to prevent the deaths of innocent people - as has happened before. The cyborg's job is to take the book to a group of aliens and he spends good time studying it as he prepares for the journey. As he goes in cryosleep, an alien lady appears in the ship, and the priest's spirit awakens the cyborg, and he is able to stop the alien lady from defacing the book. A representative of the aliens whom the book is being delivered to calls, and tells how dangerous this lady is, and the cyborg is to kill her by depressurizing the ship - sacrificing himself in the process to save millions of lives. The priest's spirit notes too late that, as the cyborg is about to die, he has made the wrong choice again. The alien representative who contacted them earlier were the true antagonists, and the book, and the pen, are about to fall in his hands. The cyborg is, however, able to write a change of reality to the book at the very last moment. The story then unravels itself: The cyborg reunites with his long-dead wife who lives again, the special agent stops the mad professor, the soldier saves the day, the gunfight is won, and the priest is able to destroy the vampire and save his sister».
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: The Book of Fate.