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Embrace of the Vampire
2013, regia di Carl Bessai
Scheda: Nazione: Canada - Produzione: Bloodline Pictures - Distribuzione: Anchor Bay Entertainment, Premiere Bobine, Sony Pictures Television - Soggetto: Alan Mruvka - Sceneggiatura: Andrew C. Erin, Sheldon Roper - Fotografia: Bob Aschmann - Montaggio: Christopher A. Smith - Scenografia: Tony Devenyi - Set Decoration: Moni El Batrik - Costumi: Patricia Hargreaves, Jayne Mabbott - Musiche: Michael Neilson - Effetti speciali: Bleau Fortier, Michael Walls, Christian Blaze, Katrina Taylor, Lindala Schminken FX - Formato: Color - Durata: 91'.
Cast: Sharon Hinnendael, C.C. Sheffield, Kaniehtiio Horn, Chelsey Reist, Victor Webster, Robert Moloney, Ryan Kennedy, Keegan Connor, Olivia Cheng, Claire Smithies, Sarah Grey, Aleita Northey, Andrew Wheeler, John Shaw, Steven Richmond, Travis Nelson, Maya Massar, Anthony Konechny.
Trama e commenti: - - «Embrace of the Vampire è
un film direct-to-video del 2013, remake di
Embrace of the
Vampire del 1995, diretto dal regista canadese Carl Bessai.
Il film è stato rilasciato il 15 ottobre 2013. Charlotte, ragazza timida che
frequenta una scuola cattolica femminile, si trasferisce in un'altra città per
iscriversi all'università e iniziare una nuova vita; viene assunta come
cameriera in un bar, inizia un corso di scherma e fa nuove amicizie. Tutto
sembra scorrere bene per la protagonista fino a quando inizia ad avere visioni
inquietanti, incubi e sogni di desideri proibiti. Non riuscendo più a vivere
giorni tranquilli, Charlotte viene aiutata da una strega e scopre di essere
tormentata da un antico vampiro».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
Embrace of the
Vampire was a rather disappointing film, known more for
offering sight of Alyssa Milano’s boobs than for its vampiric content. Thus this
remake did not have a lot to live up to. In many respects, however, this is not
really a remake. Other than the fact that it follows a sexually inactive/repressed
girl called Charlotte (Sharon Hinnendael) attending college and drawing the
interest of a vampire (and having a quick lesbian encounter). Other than that
the background, lore and plotting are all new. The film begins in Bucovina in
1735. A horse gallops across the landscape as a woman is held down on a table. A
wise woman (Maya Massar) dismounts from the horse and enters the home. She
places a cross in the woman’s hand and then cuts into her arm with a knife. Into
the wound she pours blood (later revealed to be vampire blood). We hear that *she*
is coming. She is a vampire called Sorina (Claire Smithies). The two women have
vanished and Sorina takes her rage out on a man left to harry her, his name
being Stefan (Victor Webster, Mutant X). So what was going on? Later we
discover that the girl was Sorina’s daughter and to save her from the vampire
they performed a ritual that mingled the blood of the vampire with the human,
making her (and her line) a dhampir. Charlotte is of that line and both she and
we get the full story from the wise woman’s descendant Daciana (Keegan Connor
Tracy). Now I wasn’t going to spoil who the modern day vampire is, though he has
a name and a purpose. However the artwork for the film kind of gives it away and
so it is Stefan, who is now going by the name Cole. ...».
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: El abrazo del vampiro.