Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi) |
Nude in Dracula's Castle
1961, regia di George Harrison Marks
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Formato: B.N., muto, corto - Durata: 5'.
Stuart Samuels,
June Palmer.
Trama e commenti: - - «Una donna, in cerca di qualcosa di
sconosciuto, si rifugia una notte nell'Hotel Elm Manor, gestito da un gruppo di
persone e da un vecchio strano maggiordomo. A un certo punto lei comincia a
vedere dappertutto il bruto maggiordomo, sotto forma di vampiro. Non resta che
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: - - «Two decades before A Nightmare on Elm Street there was Nightmare at Elm Manor, a Harrison
Marks nudie/horror short from 1961 featuring June Palmer being menaced by Marks’
regular stooge Stuart Samuels. It all starts when June decides to put on
lipstick before going to bed. Not sure what the actual title of the film is as
it doesn’t appear on any Kamera film list I’ve seen».
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Nightmare at Elm Manor.
Nel 2009 il corto di George Harrison Marks è stato inserito nel film Nude in Dracula's Castle: Amazing, Rare & Erotic 8mm Home Movies, una raccolta di brani erotici di vari film in bianco nero, della durata complessiva di 300', a cura di Adam Becvar (Luigi Bastardo), per conto della Secret Key Motion Pictures: - «The title for this collection of 8mm black and white solo girl loops from the late sixties should actually have been Boobs And Bush On The Bed; less catchy but far more accurate. The plot in practically every one is, “A girl lies on the bed. She smiles at the camera, gyrates her pelvis, and rolls over a lot”. So, a bunch of rough nudie loops of girls rolling around on a bed until the film runs out or they get too many bedspread burns. What’s the attraction? Well the girls are engaging and attractive, they mostly put everything they have into enticing the viewer. They vary from innocent looking teens to more experienced strippers, but someone did use discretion in the selection of these shorts – they are a great collection of primitive horizontal bump and grind reels. The titular loop is actually a June Palmer short that was professionally photographed, almost certainly on 16mm, though sourced from an 8mm reduction (at some point). A clever advertising strategy, but it has nothing in common with the rest of the collection. These are amateur productions in front of and behind the home movie camera. There are no sets or studios and, in fact, the only constant thread is a girl lying on a bed with the camera positioned at the foot [of the bed]. And the cameramen are zoom crazy».