Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi) |
My Sucky Teen Romance
2011, regia di Emily Hagins
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Cheesy Nuggets Productions - Soggetto: Emily Hagins - Sceneggiatura: Emily Hagins - Fotografia: Jeffrey Buras - Montaggio: Shane Gibson - Costumi: Amanda Haight - Musiche: Christopher Thomas - Effetti speciali: Brian Behm, Jamie Yu - Formato: Color - Durata: 77'.
Cast: Elaine Hurt, Patrick Delgado, Santiago Dietche, Lauren Lee, Lauren Vunderink, Tony Vespe, Devin Bonnee, Tina Rodriguez, John Gholson, Sam Eidson. Emily Hagins.
Trama e commenti:
- «L'ultima
fine settimana in città della diciassettenne Kate, lei e i suoi amici
programmano di trascorrerlo insieme allo SpaceCON-la, una convention locale di
fantascienza che frequentano ogni anno. Alla convention Kate incontra Paul, un
vampiro adolescente da poco trasformato (vestito come un vampiro). Ma quando
Kate cerca di fare una mossa su di lui, la morde accidentalmente sul collo. Kate
e i suoi amici scoprono ben presto che Paul non è l'unico vampiro alla
convention, e spetta a loro fermare i vampiri e trovare un modo per far tornare
Kate umana prima che sia troppo tardi».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
- «A
girl discovers her dreamy new boyfriend wants more from the relationship than
she expected -- namely blood -- in this teen-centric horror comedy. Cute but
geeky Kate (Elaine Hurt) has a crush on Paul (Patrick Delgado), a good looking
guy who works at the grocery where her family shops, and when she attends
SpaceCon (an event for comic, sci-fi and fantasy fans) with her friends, she's
pleased to see he's there as well. Kate is even happier when Paul wants some
private time with her, but a kiss gives way to a bite on the neck, and Kate
learns that Paul isn't pretending to be a vampire like many folks at the Con,
he's the real thing. Paul became a blood sucker after a run-in with Vince (Devin
Bonnee), an angst-y vampire the ladies swoon over, but both Paul and Kate have
mixed feelings about being creatures of the night. When Kate's pal Jason
(Santiago Dietche), who carries a torch for her, puts together the pieces and
realizes what's happened, he sets out to rescue Kate from the vampires before
it's too late...» (Mark Deming).
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