Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi) |
Vampire City
2009, regia di Wolf Morrison
Scheda: Nazione: Austria - Produzione: WildRebel Productions - Distribuzione: WildRebel Productions - Soggetto: Wolf Morrison - Sceneggiatura: Wolf Morrison - Fotografia: Bob Czerny, Julia Jellen, Wolf Morrison, Guenther Rubik - Montaggio: Wolf Morrison - Art Direction: Robert Tarantino - Costumi: Pia Hong - Musiche: Wolf Morrison - Effetti speciali: John T. Tyler, Robert Hoyt, Hoyt Robert - Formato: Color - Durata: 71'.
Wolf Morrison,
Birgit Waite,
Christian Gassler,
Franziska Doppel,
Robert Cerny,
Robert Czerny,
Guenther Kubik,
Christina Breit,
Viktoria Stoifl, Andrea Schmidt,
Renée Chantalle.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb - - - -
«Talking Brains, a Saxophone playing Mouse, evil Vampire Girls, a Rock 'N
Roll Dracula with Anti-Daylight Pills and a young Van Helsing who fights with
Anti-Vampire Spray, Garlic, bad Movies and a Spice Girls CD against evil
Vampires: Vampire City is a funny Tribute to Trash Movies. It leads the Vampire
Movies to their next level and never takes them too serious. Vampire City: Episode
I: Rock 'n Roll Vampires from Hell. The search for the murderer of his
Father leads Robert Van Helsing to Vienna. There he meets Count Dracula, who
found his great love Isabelle in Vienna. Dracula now also is the Leader of a
Rock 'n Roll Band. Together with the lovely Pia they are fighting against the
evil Vampire Queen and her lover Morlock. The difference between Dracula and the
evil Vampires is that Dracula kills no people, he only makes them immortal.
Morlock is the only Vampire who kills all people. It is their job to stop them...».
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Vampire City: Episode I - Rock 'N Roll Vampires from Hell.
La versione breve di Vampire City (i primi 30') è stata presentata anche autonomamente con il titolo: Vampires in Vienna ( - IMDb: «Vienna is occupied by Vampires and only the clumsy Vampire Hunter Robert and his lovely girlfriend Pia can save this city from becoming a Vampire Ciy. The evil Vampire Queen and her crazy lover Count Morlock wanna rule the planet together with their Vampire Girls»).
Vedi anche: Vampire city 2
da ottobre 2004 ad oggi: |