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Terrore dallo spazio profondo
(Invasion of the Body Snatchers)
1978, regia di Philip Kaufman
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Solofilm - Distribuzione: United Artists, MGM Home Entertainment, Warner Home Vídeo - Soggetto: dal romanzo The Body Snatchers di Jack Finney - Sceneggiatura: W.D. Richter - Fotografia: Michael Chapman - Montaggio: Douglas Stewart - Scenografia: Doug von Koss - Costumi: Agnes Anne Rogers - Musiche: Denny Zeitlin - Effetti speciali: Russel Hessey, Dell Rheaume - Formato: Technicolor - Durata: 115'.
Donald Sutherland,
Brooke Adams,
Jeff Goldblum,
Veronica Cartwright,
Leonard Nimoy,
Art Hindle,
Lelia Goldoni,
Kevin McCarthy,
Don Siegel,
Tom Luddy, Stan Ritchie,
David Fisher,
Tom Dahlgren,
Garry Goodrow, Jerry Walter,
Maurice Argent,
Sam Conti,
Wood Moy,
R. Wong,
Rose Kaufman.
Trama e commenti:
Dizionario Farinotti - - - - «Il rifacimento del classico
L'invasione degli ultracorpi (1956) di Don Siegel non è un cattivo film di SF, ma non regge il confronto: troppa importanza agli effetti speciali di metamorfosi a scapito dei personaggi; manca il sottotesto politico che fa il fascino del film precedente; la scelta di San Francisco come tela di fondo si rivela sbagliata. S'intravedono in piccole parti Kevin McCarthy, protagonista del precedente, Robert Duvall e lo stesso D. Siegel. Rifatto ancora come
Ultracorpi-L'invasione continua
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
«In this remake of the
1956 cult classic,
terror slowly and silently strikes San Francisco as the city is mysteriously
covered by alien spores that produce strangely beautiful flowers. Unbeknownst to
the people, the flowers are the bearers of alien pods that make a spiderlike
webbing that captures their victims as they sleep and replicates their human
form. Although they still look human, the victims are transformed into
emotionless creatures by a strange race of aliens out to consume and control
humanity--and only four people are left to stop them. Donald Sutherland stars as
Matthew Bennel, a Department of Health inspector whose close friend and coworker
Elizabeth Driscoll (Brooke Adams) is overwhelmed by fear and paranoia when she
begins to suspect her boyfriend, Geoffrey (Art Hindle), of no longer being human.
Together, with their friends Jack (Jeff Goldblum) and Nancy (Veronica Cartwright),
they are out to stop the bizarre alien invasion before they fall victim to the
alien pods. Leonard Nimoy costars as Dr. David Kibner, a guru psychiatrist who
might not be whom he seems. This haunting parable of human paranoia is a creepy
glimpse of a city overrun with robotlike yuppies threatening to wipe out all of
humankind. Sutherland gives a knockout performance as the leader of the last
four humans left in San Francisco in this terrific blend of B-movie science
fiction and modern terror».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Vedi anche: L'invasione degli ultracorpi, Ultracorpi - L'invasione continua, Invasion.
da ottobre 2004 ad oggi: |