Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi) |
1979, regia di John Badham
Scheda: Nazione: USA-GB - Produzione: The Mirisch Corporation, Universal Pictures - Distribuzione: CIC, MCA, Universal Pictures - Soggetto: dalla commedia di Hamilton Deane e John L. Balderston ispirata al Dracula di Bram Stoker): - Sceneggiatura: W.D. Richter - Fotografia: Gilbert Taylor - Montaggio: John Bloom - Costumi: Julie Harris - Musiche: John Williams - Effetti speciali: Roy Arbogast, Michael Dawson, Maurice Binder.Brian Smithies, Albert Whitlock - Formato: Panavision Technicolor - Durata: 109' (115').
Frank Langella, Laurence Olivier, Donald
Pleasence, Kate Nelligan, Trevor Eve,
Jan Francis, Janine Duvitski, Tony Haygarth, Teddy Turner, Sylvester McCoy,
Kristine Howarth, Joe Belcher, Ted Carroll, Frank Birch, Gabor Vernon, Frank
Henson, Peter Wallis.
Trama e commenti:
- «Nel 1913 il celebre conte rumeno dalla
metamorfosi facile arriva in bara dalla Transilvania sulle coste inglesi, bello
come un eroe romantico, e fa innamorare di sé le sue vittime. Che cosa vuole da
loro? Ispirato al romanzo (1897) di Bram Stoker, riscritto da W.D. Richter,
gioca sui due tavoli dell'ironia parodistica e...».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
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DraculaLangella: «Universal Studios' return to the Dracula property in 1979 was inspired by Frank Langella's starmaking performance as the Count in a Broadway revival of the Deane/Balderston play (the same play that largely inspired Universal's original 1931
Dracula), featuring sets designed by the great Edward Gorey. Langella's take on the role is justly celebrated, but unfortunately, the film that was cobbled around him is a rather shaky affair at best.
The action commences with Dracula's arrival on a shipwreck on the Whitby coast during a titanic storm. There, Mina (daughter of Van Helsing in this version) is staying with Lucy (daughter of Dr. Seward in this version) in a residence above the lunatic asylum that Seward runs. Mina is an invalid (though not a sleepwalker) and looks half-dead even before the Count arrives. When not assisting her father in the Bedlamite asylum, where grotesque but irrelevant characters cavort on steel ramps high in the air, Lucy likes to make out in...».
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Dracula '79; Dracula - Eine Lovestory.
da ottobre 2004 ad oggi: |