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Codice mistero / Salto nel buio: The Circus
(Tales from the Darkside: The Circus)
1986, regia di Michael Gornick
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Laurel Entertainment Inc. / Jaygee Productions, Tribune Entertainment - Distribuzione: Paramount Television, Paramount Home Video, Worldvision Enterprises, Thriller Video, LBS Communications, Image Entertainment - Soggetto: Sydney J. Bounds - Sceneggiatura: George A. Romero - Fotografia: Jon Fauer - Montaggio: Scott Vickrey - Set Decoration: Mark Sweeney - Costumi: Jeanette Oleksa - Musiche: John Harrison, Ken Lauber - Effetti speciali: James Chai, Ed French, David Scott Gagnon, Christopher Nowak - Formato: Color, film tv - Durata: 25' (30').
William Hickey,
Kevin O'Connor, Ed French, Jacques Sandulescu, David Thornton.
Trama e commenti:
- -
- - - «Serie antologica dell’orrore
con pennellate di umorismo firmata, diretta e prodotta da George Romero,
cineastacult de Il ritorno dei morti viventi (1985). Non priva di
analogie con Ai confini della realtà, la serie ha dato vita a un film in
quattro episodi – I delitti del gatto nero (1990) – in cui compare
Christian Slater, già guest-star del telefilm. In originale il telefilm è
narrato dalla voce “fuori campo” da Paul Sparer. Le musiche originali sono
composte da John Harrison e Ken Lauber. Per gli amanti del genere, gli effetti
speciali sono curati Joe LaPenna; alcuni episodi si ispirano a racconti di
maestri del brivido come Stephen King, Harlan Ellison, Clive Barker, Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle. Jodie Foster dirige una puntata. La stella del basket Kareem
AbdulJabbar compare in un cameo. In Italia il serial è andato in onda anche con
il titolo Salto nel buio».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb - -
skeptical reporter is given a sneak peak of the horrible and presumably fake,
sideshow attractions at a circus. Comments: A great episode to kick off the
third season». - - - - - - «Tales from the Darkside was a post Twilight Zone/Night Gallery anthology series that delved more towards the side of horror. Even though it was a syndicated series, it had enough good to great episodes to make a lasting impression on the horror landscape. hide show. Tales from the Darkside was a tremendous horror anthology series. Where the Twilight Zone and Outer Limits went towards the sci-fi genre, and Night Gallery was geared more towards suspense, this show was a pioneer in the horror genre. Episodes from George Romero, Robert Bloch, Stephen King, and Clive Barker, just to name a few, contributed stories to the series. Episodes ranged from selling souls, old trickers getting their due on Halloween, Santa's evil neighbor from the North Pole making his way down south, a family trying to convince Grandpa that he did really die, and things coming out of the closet (keep it locked!). Several episodes were on the lighter side, but by and large this was a show that swung for the fences trying to scare you to death. The staying power of the show is on full show, either by watching the repeats of an '80s show on the Sci Fi Channel, or watching the show on DVD, as the first season has just been released. Overall, this was a trailblazing show, taking a risk on a genre that really hadn't been tapped on television at that point. I believe that it made it's mark, and a lasting, favorable one at that».
Stagione 3, episodio 1 della serie tv in 90 episodi trasmessa negli USA dal 1983 al 1988, poi in Italia da Odeon e da Italia1; conosciuta anche con i titoli: Berättelser från andra sidan; Histoires de l'autre monde; Historias del más álla; Más allá del miedo.
da ottobre 2004 ad oggi: |