Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi) |
Brotherhood of Blood
2007, regia di Michael Roesch, Peter Scheerer
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Brotherhood LLC, Kinostar, MEB Entertainment, Psycho Studios - Distribuzione: Grindstone Entertainment Group, Lionsgate, Splendid Film, Ghost House - Soggetto: Michael Roesch, Peter Scheerer - Sceneggiatura: Michael Roesch, Peter Scheerer - Fotografia: River O'Mahoney Hagg, River Mahoney - Montaggio: Andrew Bentler - Art Director: Maxwell Fasen - Arredamenti: Jasmine Garnet - Costumi: Sarah Jeanne Mgeni - Musiche: Tom Bimmermann, Ralph Rieckermann - Effetti speciali: Jeffrey S. Farley, Christian Haas - Formato: Color - Durata: 90'.
Victoria Pratt, Sid Haig, Ken Foree, Jason Connery, William Snow, Wes Ramsey,
Jeremy James Kissner, Rachel Grant, Jack Donner, Bill Doyle, Maxwell Fasen,
Jonathan Fraser, Ryan Izay, Darrin James, Boris Kievsky, Adrienne Mcqueen, Marc
Ian Sklar, Angela Trimbur.
Trama e commenti:
- «I Vampiri esistono, sono
spietati, si nutrono di sangue umano. Ma c’è chi li caccia di professione.
Carrie Rieger è una giovane cacciatrice di vampiri. Catturata e incatenata in un
covo di succhiasangue, la ragazza si ritrova prigioniera del potente King Pashek,
un signore dei vampiri: la donna è consapevole che la sua vita potrebbe finire
da un momento all’altro, ma non è detto che questo avvenga per mano (o denti) di
Pashek o di uno dei suoi fedeli. Infatti sull’intera comunità di vampiri si sta
per scatenare la furia e l’ira del demone vampiro Vlad Kossel, tornato da un
lungo esilio per portare morte e distruzione. Vampiri e cacciatori, nessuno sarà
al sicuro dalla sua spietatezza. C’è solo un cacciatore in grado di salvare il
mondo dal pericolo di Kossel anche a costo della propria vita...».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
«A team of vampire hunters try to keep the most powerful vampire of all time
from killing his brother and regaining his true strength... It might give you
some idea what to expect from this film when you realise the two directors have
worked with Uwe Boll. If by some fluke you don’t know who Uwe Boll is then you
should consider yourself lucky. Those who do will know to back away slowly now.
It appears Roesche and Scheerer picked up some 'tips' in their time working
alongside the man widely recognised as the world's worst director, and are now
doing their best to try and steal his crown. In fact, moving up a few ranks on
the list of people I want to forcibly remove from the film industry is possibly
the only thing they've achieved with this absolute tripe.
The characters are boring and poorly acted at best. Our intrepid vampire hunters
look like they could barely take down a disgruntled badger, let alone a vampire,
while the vampires themselves are wearing the worst prosthetic teeth ever caught
on celluloid, making them look more like dribbly walruses than fearsome beasties.
And, no word of a lie, I'm pretty certain someone dropped the camera at one
point. Possibly because he had a ‘naked lunch’ moment and realised what a
heinous film he was involved in, dropped the cam and ran for the hills. We'll
never be sure.
All of this is topped off with a score that sounds as if it was composed on
someone's Casio keyboard and turned up so loud you can barely even hear the
dialogue at times (which, in retrospect, might be a small mercy). It all adds up
to one of the most unwatchable films of all time» (Jen Evans).
Il sito ufficiale del film - Trailer
da ottobre 2004 ad oggi: |