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Yamato Takeru
1994, regia di Takao Okawara
Scheda: Nazione: Giappone - Produzione: Toho Company, Toho Pictures - Distribuzione: Toho Company - Soggetto: Wataru Mimura - Sceneggiatura: Wataru Mimura - Fotografia: Yoshinori Sekiguchi - Montaggio: Nobuo Ogawa - Scenografia: Fumio Ogawa - Musiche: Kiyoko Ogino, Glay, Yoshiki Hayashi - Effetti speciali: Marbling FineArts - Formato: Color - Durata: 105'.
Cast: Masahiro Takashima, Yasuko Sawaguchi, Hiroshi Fujioka, Saburô Shinoda, Keaki Mori, Bengaru Bengaru, Masashi Ishibashi, Miho Akishino, Akira Koieyama, Kenpachirô Satsuma, Chris Hilton.
Trama e commenti: «Basato sugli antichi
miti e leggende del Giappone, il film inizia con la storia della creazione del
mondo. Migliaia di anni più tardi l’Imperatore di Yamato ha due figli gemelli.
Un potente stregone avverte che il secondo nato è malvagio e deve essere messo a
morte. Ma il bambino è salvato dal Bianco Uccello del Cielo e portato al
santuario dedicato alla dea Amaterasu. Il giovane principe cresce sano e forte:
una profezia dice che egli diventerà un guerriero degli Dèi».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«The movie starts out with the birth of twin princes. Their father, the
emperor of Yamato, feels a great loathing for his one child Ousu. Being
convinced that this feeling is a premonition, the emperor orders the shaman
Tsukinowa to kill the boy, yet his efforts are spoiled by Amano Shiratori, the
White Bird of the Heavens. The emperor’s sister, seeing this as a clear sign of
divine intervention, takes it upon herself to raise the child. Years later, when
the boy has matured into a man, he is given pardon by his father and allowed to
return to the castle. Unfortunately, not long after, his mother falls ill and
dies mysteriously. This sends his brother into a rage and causing him to attack
Ousu, who defends himself and kills his sibling in the process. His father,
furious at these events, orders his son to leave the castle and not return until
the barbarians living in the Kumaso domain are dealt with. The prince makes
haste to complete this task, stopping off at a shrine on his way where, after a
quick battle, he befriends Oto who joins him on his journey. They, along with
companies Genbu and Seriyu, raid the castle, killing Kumaso Takeru and their god
Kumasogami. Following this feat, the prince changes his name to Yamato Takeru,
yet fails to win the acceptance of his father. His aunt, though, warns him of a
great threat looming overheard, as the god Tsukuyomi is posed to return,
endangering the Earth, as Yamato Takeru must prepare to halt this from occurring.».
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Takeru Yamato; Orochi the Eight-Headed Dragon; Madra, das achtköpfige Drachenmonster.