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The Wild Hunt
2009, regia di Alexandre Franchi
Scheda: Nazione: Canada - Produzione: Animist Films, Mad Monkey Films - Distribuzione: Hannover House, TVA Films - Sceneggiatura: Alexandre Franchi, Mark Antony Krupa - Fotografia: Claudine Sauvé - Montaggio: Stephen Philipson, Arthur Tarnowski - Scenografia: Katka Hubacek - Costumi: Patricia McNeil - Musiche: Vincent Hänni, Gabriel Scotti - Effetti specialii: Francis Bernard, Alexandra Vaillancourt - Formato: Color - Durata: 96'.
Cast: Ricky Mabe, Mark Antony Krupa, Trevor Hayes, Kaniehtiio Horn, Kent McQuaid, Claudia Jurt, Nicolas Wright, Kyle Gatehouse, Terry Simpson, Spiro Malandrakis, Victor Trelles, Martin Stone, Holly O'Brien, Nicholas Simard, Claude Gauthier, Orn Arnason.
Trama e commenti: -
- - «Evelyn lascia il
fidanzato Erik per andare nei boschi dove si svolge un gioco di ruolo (in gergo,
“Larp”, live action role-playing) che porta i partecipanti a vestire i
panni di Celti e Vichinghi. In passato anche Erik partecipava agli stessi
giochi, ma oggi, assorbito dalle faccende della vita quotidiana (il lavoro, la
cura del padre malato), li ritiene stupidi (“giocare tutta la vita è da
perdenti”). Temendo che la fidanzata lo abbandoni per sempre, questa volta,
però, la segue: il suo arrivo sul campo da gioco porta a un superamento dei
confini tra la realtà e la messa in scena che si concluderà con esiti tragici.
The Wild Hunt parte da uno spunto originale che consiste nell’ambientare
nel contesto dei giochi di ruolo la classica idea del contrasto e della
mescolanza tra finzione e realtà (da molti film esplorato in relazione alle
dinamiche di un set cinematografico o all’allestimento di uno spettacolo
teatrale). Sullo sfondo di questo spunto narrativo stanno poi risvolti
ambiziosi. Nell’angoscia di Erik (i “sogni oscuri” che lo affliggono) – e nella
contrapposizione tra lui e il fratello che ancora crede in questi giochi e ai
miti che vi stanno dietro (i due personaggi possono essere visti come due facce
di uno stesso individuo) – si intravede il tema della perdita di senso di cui
parlano i filosofi del “postmoderno” e i sociologi della “società liquida” e,
quindi, il tema dell’invenzione di riti e di azioni collettive che diano
all’esistenza degli individui un significato che trascenda le contingenze della
vita quotidiana. Ma se, come si diceva, lo spunto di The Wild Hunt è
interessante, la realizzazione non appare all’altezza dell’idea di partenza. La
prima parte, che si sviluppa con toni di commedia venati da un po’ di
malinconia, soffre di qualche lentezza, ma, complessivamente, funziona e, con il
suo andirivieni tra la realtà più prosaica e la dimensione del fantasy, diverte.
Quando però cambia direzione con una svolta tragica e truculenta del tutto
esagerata e non adeguatamente preparata e "giustificata", il film perde la
bussola. Si conclude così accumulando più di un finale e lasciando emergere
anche qualche ambiguità nella risoluzione del tema della violenza e
dell’“eroismo”» (Rinaldo Vignati).
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«After his girlfriend Evelyn (Kaniehtiio Horn) leaves for a weekend claiming
to need some space, Montreal native Erik Magnusson (Ricky Mabe) realizes fairly
quickly she’s heading off to join his older brother Bjorn (Mark Antony Krupa) in
the Canadian wilderness to partake in his medieval re-enactment games. Never a
fan of these events, especially as they’ve forced him to stay at home at take
care of their sick father all on his own, the young man nonetheless swallows his
pride and follows the woman he loves into nature, scared he might be losing her
to his sibling’s silly and secluded fantasy world. Things are even worse than he
imagined. Evelyn has been captured by Shaman Murtagh (Trevor Hayes) a
charismatic player role-playing as a Barbarian mystic who has become dangerously
infatuated with the young woman. Bjorn quickly convinces Erik that the only way
for him to win back his lady love is to embrace his Viking heritage and play the
game like everyone else in the camp, the two entering into an uneasy alliance
the former hopes will fix the growing divide keeping them apart. The Wild
could be some sort of wacky and unhinged romantic comedy based on that
description, but it’s not. It could be some sort of dark and twisted
psychological study of societal misfits drowning in their own fantasies, and
while the movie certainly goes in that direction (especially during the last 15
minutes) I wouldn’t really say it’s that, either. Instead, even with the
setting, the costumes and the twisted nature of the final act, director
Alexandre Franchi’s film is really nothing more than your basic Mumblecore
semi-romantic independent drama the type of which Jay and Mark Duplass, Lynn
Shelton and Joe Swanberg have been making since we entered into a new
millennium. Not that there is anything wrong with that. There is a sweet
simplicity to the basic relationships here that’s even with all the Viking
jargon, Barbarian paraphernalia and Arthurian gibberish most of it comes through
rather strongly. I liked Erik, and as silly as his journey for romantic
reconciliation sometimes became it somehow still felt genuine to me. I also
really liked how Krupa (who co-wrote the script with Franchi) manages to find
Bjorn’s center, and as larger than life as his character is there the actor
still manages to make him relatable in human in a way that’s surprisingly
touching. But there is no getting past the fact that nothing much happens here,
and although the surroundings are intriguing the central problems facing the two
lovebirds is nothing to write home to mom about. It does not help that the
filmmakers do not give viewers a solid insight into their relationship
pre-medieval re-enactment camp, and while I’ve already said how much I liked
Erik I can’t say the same for Evelyn. She comes across as a bit of a brain dead
narcissist, and why our hero would be so crestfallen for her was something I
could never quite figure out. It should also be noted that when this picture
goes off the rails it does so in a way that is brutally unforgiving and maybe
even a tiny bit off-putting. While this mental breakdown transforms into a
physical violence with relative believability, I’m not sure the Shakespearean
overtones of the final moments have been even close to earned. This is one of
those times where I sat in the theatre mouth agape not quite believing what it
was I was bearing witness to, and the longer I ruminate on it now the more it
frustrates me. The film does look fairly stunning considering its low budget
roots, Claudine Sauvé’s cinematography particularly striking. Franchi also
manages to stage a few wonderfully intimate moments especially between Erik and
Bjorn, while Evelyn’s final scene is almost hypnotic in its hauntingly tragic
beauty. I also found the look on Murtagh’s face as he finally stopped to take in
the carnage he unwittingly unleashed was breathtaking, the actor having a moment
of quiet poignancy I found to be rather emotionally profound. All that said, and
as much as bits and pieces stay in my memory and hold me captivated, on the
whole I can’t say The Wild Hunt is a picture I’m likely to ever return to again
in the future. I just didn’t feel like it earned the human wreckage left in its
wake, that it took too long to get to its sensationalistic denouement that
ultimately brought things full circle. Nice performances, interesting ideas and
intriguing visuals aside, the final product is as cold as the environment its
set in, and as such my medieval instincts are to urge people to ultimately leave
this particular picture alone» (Sara Michelle Fetters).
Approfondimenti: Movie
Scheda a cura di Lorenza Cervellera