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(Wizards and Warriors)
1983, regia di James Frawley e altri
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: CBS Broadcasting Inc. - Distribuzione: CBS Broadcasting Inc. - Soggetto: Don Reo - Sceneggiatura: Don Reo, Bill Richmond - Fotografia: Richard C. Glouner - Scenografia: Peter Wooley - Costumi: Theadora Van Runkle - Musiche: Alf Clausen, Lee Holdridge - Effetti speciali: Makeup Effects Laboratories - Formato: Color, serie tv - Durata: 60' ognuno degli 8 episodi.
Cast: Ian Wolfe, Jeff Conaway, Walter Olkewicz, Duncan Regehr, Julia Duffy, Clive Revill, Thomas Hill, George Marshall Ruge, Randi Brooks, Phyllis Katz, Lonnie Wun.
Trama e commenti:
serie fantastica ambientata a Camarand, un regno medioevale dove convivono:
l’ardito principe Erik Greystone (Jeff Conaway), il re Baaldorf (Thomas Hill) e
la regina Lattinia (Julia Payne), il servitore forzuto Marko (Walter Olkewicz),
il crudele principe Dirk Blackpool (Duncan Regehr), la sciocca principessa Ariel
(Julia Duffy), il mago Vector (Clive Revill) e la strega Bethel (Randi Brooks).
La serie prodotta da Don Reo e Judith D. Allison si avvale delle musiche di Lee
Holdridge e di effetti speciali “fuori dal tempo”. Bill Bixby, l’ex interprete
de L’incredibile Hulk (1978), è tra i registi di passaggio».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
- -
- - - «Before Xena and
Hercules filled mid-90s television with humorous Sword and Sorcery, there was a
TV show called Wizards and Warriors. Are you asking yourself, “Why have I
never heard of this show?” Well that’s because it had a very short life. It
premiered and was canceled in 1983 and although it developed a fanbase, it was
never large enough to save the show. The show was created by Dan Reo of
Blossom fame for Warner Bros. and it had its full 8 1-hour episode run on
CBS. Most of the 8 episodes were directed by Bill Bixby who, as always, did a
great job. Now I bet your next question is who was cast as the lead of this
show? Your thinking a body builder? Perhaps a Schwarzenegger or maybe even Marc
Singer type ass-kicker? Not even close. Try Jeff Conaway of Grease,
Taxi and Celebrity Rehab fame. He was joined by Walter Olkewicz,
Duncan Regehr, Clive Revill and the surprisingly well cast Julia Duffy. It's
hard to explain the show if you have never seen it, but I will give it a shot.
Conaway plays Erik Greystone who is engaged to princess Ariel. She is the
daughter of the King Baaldorf and Queen Lattinia who rules the virtuous land of
Southern Aperand. Erik and his pal, Marko, who is the strongest man in the
kingdom are constantly foiling the plans of the neighbouring kingdom’s Prince
Dirk Blackpool and his wizard adviser Vector. Also from time to time Erik’s
brother fun-loving/cowardly brother Justin shows up to screw things up. When you
ask people who have seen this show what they thought of it, you will get mixed
reactions. The show IS silly. Sometimes people seem to slip out of character and
the lacks of a consistent accent in this fantasy work is distracting. That being
said. The show has moments of sophistication and quiet jokes that you really
need to watch to appreciate. For example in the first episode there is a great
bottomless pit joke. It involves a tough castle guardian being thrown down said
bottomless pit and we only hear the audio as he continues to plummet for what
sounds like more than a minute. A few moments later we hear the guardian’s
grunts. How did he live? The special FX are passable for an 80s show. Laughably,
they use stock footage from the film
for battle scenes and the sword work is a step or two up up from basic stage
fighting. The show was raw, but it showed potential. It really is a shame they
didn’t give it a chance, Wizards and Warriors really could have been an
earlier version of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys».
Serie tv conosciuta anche con il titolo: Greystone's Odyssey.
scheda a cura di Lorenza Cervellera