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Starla e le sette gemme del mistero
(Princess Gwenevere And The Jewel Riders)
1995, regia di Candi Harrah, Robert Mandell
Scheda: Nazione:
USA - Produzione: Bohbot
Productions Inc., Enchanted Camelot Productions, Hong Ying Animation -
Distribuzione: Alliance Home Video,
Family Home
Entertainment (FHE) -
Sceneggiatura: Robert
Mandell, Robin Young, Christopher Rowley, Katherine Lawrence, James Luceno,
Marlowe Weisman - Montaggio:
Robert Artell, David Gauff, Larry Rubinstein - Art Direction: James Tang,
Gregory Autore - Musiche:
Louis Fagenson - Formato: Color,
animazione, serie tv in 26 episodi - Durata: 22’ ogni episodio.
Voci: Corinne
Orr, John Beach, Laura Dean, Bob Kaliban, Barbara Jean Kearney, Henry Mandell,
Kerry Butler, Jean Louisa Kelly.
Trama e
commenti: - - - «Nel regno magico di
Avalon, è in corso una crisi: la strega malvagia Lady Kale ha imprigionato il
mago più potente del regno, il grande Merlino, e ha disperso i sette gioielli
della magica corona di Avalon nelle varie parti del regno.
Starla, assieme
ai suoi amici Tamara e Falen, ha il compito di ritrovarli e, grazie al loro
potere una volta riuniti, di liberare mago Merlino ed il regno di Avalon dalle
oscure forze del male».
Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb - - - - - - - «Following
in the footsteps of better-known shows such as She Ra Princess Of Power,
Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders (known as Starla and the Jewel Riders
outside the United States) was a Magical Girl show very loosely inspired by the
Arthurian myths. It was created by Robert Mandell of Galaxy Rangers fame, and
even used some of the same voice actors.Our story follows Princess Gwenevere (or
Starla), the teenage daughter of Queen Anya of Avalon, and her friends Tamara
and Fallon, as they quest to retrieve the Crown Jewels that keep the magic of
the kingdom in check with the help of good wizard Merlin. The girls were chosen
to be the Jewel Riders, and each has been given an Enchanted Jewelthat gives her
special powers: Gwenevere with the Sun Stone, Fallon with the Moon Stone and
Tamara with the Heart Stone. Each girl also has an animal friend who can
communicate with her, bonded with their respective Enchanted Jewel. However,
trouble strikes when the evil Lady Kale finds the powerful Dark Stone and uses
it to banish Merlin to the realm of Wild Magic so she can steal the magical
Crown Jewels to bring down her sister Anya and become the new queen of Avalon,
taking over all the magic for herself to rule. But Merlin scatters the jewels at
the last minute, sending the Jewel Riders and Kale on a mad search to get them
all first. By the end of the first season, Kale is herself sent into the Wild
Magic, but they are still unable to rescue Merlin. Season two picks up with Kale
meeting Morgana, one of the ancient Grand Wizards. Morgana, too, is trapped
within the realm of Wild Magic and so she strikes a deal with Kale to help each
other out and return with a vengeance. The Jewel Riders must now search for the
Wizard Jewels, defeat their enemies, save Merlin, lather, rinse, repeat.First
airing in the United States in 1995, Princess Gwenevere ran for two seasons,
with 13 episodes each season. Some call it out as a Sailor Moon ripoff,
but it's a cute series for fans of the Magical Girl and Magical Girl Warrior
genres. It's obscure, but seems to have a bit of a cult following. It also
heavily inspired the Avalon: Web of Magic series».
La serie tv è stata trasmessa in Italia da luglio 1999 su Italia1.
Scheda a cura di Alessandro Giancipoli