Short Knight, Long Daze
1975, regia di Alan Tarrant
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: Thames Television - Distribuzione: Independent Television, A&E Home Video - Soggetto: Lew Schwarz - Sceneggiatura: Lew Schwarz - Montaggio: John Hawkins - Scenografia: Brian Holgate - Musiche: Max Harris, John Marshall, Richie Tattersall - Effetti speciali: George Wallder - Formato: Color, corto - Durata: 24'.
Cast: Joan Sims, Bernard Bresslaw, Jack Douglas, Kenneth Connor, Peter Butterworth, Norman Chappell, Brian Osborne, Desmond McNamara, Susan Valentine, Billy Cornelius, Brian Capron.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«This show is based around the legendary King Arthur tales and cover exactly
the same ground as ‘Under The Round Table’. It is full of desperately struggling
entendres and is linked by a misconceived, camp and farcical mediaeval domestic
banter. Only the performance by Kenneth Connor (the performance not his lines)
is at all worthwhile. The tales tell of Arthur and his knights of the Round
Table introducing a new member to his circle, both times played by Bernard
Bresslaw with only a change of accent to differentiate between the shows. Joan
Sims, all marital angst, barely sees the light of day and her dialogue as Lady
Guinevere is so banal that it does not affect the plot at all. In the days of
Kenneth Williams and Charles Hawtrey, they would have received all the camp
humour but in these pair of travesties Jack Douglas inflicts it upon us and it
fails to gel at a».
Quarto episodio della seconda stagione della serie tv Carry on Laughing!. Nella stessa stagione il primo episodio era intitolato: Under the Round Table (IMDb)