La storia proibita: Alla ricerca di re Artù
(Forbidden History: In Search of the Real King Arthur)
2016, regia di Bruce Burgess
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: HSP, Like a Shot Entertainment, UKTV, Forbidden History Productions - Soggetto: Bruce Burgess - Sceneggiatura: Bruce Burgess - Fotografia: Matt Green - Montaggio: David Willis - Set Decoration: Cnn - Costumi: Mark Griffin - Effetti speciali: Sam Brolan, David Willis - Formato: Color, documentario, film tv - Durata: 44'.
Cast: Ross Andrews, Heather Elizabeth Osborn, Graham Phillips, Guillaume Rivaud (re Artù).
Trama e commenti:
- «Il rapporto tra storia e leggenda
di Re Artù e dei Cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«It’s hard to believe that the third season of Forbidden History has
already come and gone. However, with just six episodes in the season, time
really does fly by. It’s not the most interesting show, a sort of
knockoff-cum-homage to America Unearthed and Ancient Aliens
staffed entirely by junior varsity wannabees, but it’s been a long time since
I’ve had a fringe history TV series to review, and I need to keep my reviewing
muscles worked out for the upcoming return of Ancient Aliens next month. In this
final installment, our roving band of ignoramuses stumble into a search for King
Arthur, that most British of British historical topics. Given that cable
nonfiction pseudo-historical documentaries are, at their core, lazy, it’s no
wonder that this episode bears a striking resemblance to Josh Gates’s visit to
some of the same sites on Expedition Unknown back in October, and amounts,
in essence, to an hour-long commercial for Graham Phillips’s new book on King
Arthur, which provides most of the research (or what passes for it) for the
episode. ...» (Jason Colavito).
Sesta puntata della terza stagione della serie tv La storia proibita (Forbidden History), in onda l'1 aprile 2016 (UKTV).