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Giulietta e Romeo

The World of William Shakespeare

Romeo and Juliet - Star-crossed LoveE

1978, regia di Bob Walsh, Zilla Clinton, Geoffrey Hitch


Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: U.S. National Geographic Society, WQED, Shakespeare Birthplace Trust - Soggetto: da Romeo e Giulietta di William Shakespeare - MontaggioPasquale Buba - ScenografiaWilliam Matthews - Costumi: Barbara Anderson - Consulenti storiciLouis B. Wright, Levi Fox, Elaine W. Fowler - Formato: Color, documentario - Durata: 36+20'.

Voce narrante: Jeffery Dench.

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: - - 1«A 36-minute version of the play designed to preserve the plot and the most poetic passages. Designed to be viewed with the documentary film Star-Crossed Love, a teacher's guide and a map of Shakespeare's England. NB: No cast credits given on screen». - 2«A documentary film, designed to be viewed in conjunction with Romeo and Juliet, which gives political context to the play and explores the medieval setting».






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