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LE CRONACHE DI NARNIA: il viaggio del veliero
(The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader)
2010, regia di Micheal Apted
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Fox 2000 Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Walden Media - Distribuzione: 20th Century Fox de Argentina, Fox-Walden, Twentieth Century Fox C.I.S, FS Film Oy, Odeon, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. - Soggetto: tratto dal romanzo di C.S Lewis Le Cronache di Narnia - Sceneggiatura: Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely, Michael Petroni - Scenografia: Barry Robison - Fotografia: Dante Spinotti - Montaggio: Rick Shaine - Art Direction: Ian Gracie, Karen Murphy, Marco Niro, Mark Robins - Costumi: Isis Mussenden - Musiche: David Arnold - Effetti Speciali: 4DMax, Cinesite, Framestore, Fugitive Studios, Mark Roberts Motion Control, Matte Painting UK, Moving Picture Company, Prime Focus Film, Senate Visual Effects, Spectrum Effects, The Third Floor - Formato: Color - Durata: 115'
Cast: Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, Ben Barnes, Will Poulter, Gary Sweet, Terry Norris, Bruce Spence, Bille Brown, Laura Brent, Colin Moody, Tilda Swinton, Anna Popplewell, William Moseley, Shane Rangi, Arthur Angel, Arabella Morton, Rachel Blakely, Steven Rooke, Tony Nixon, David Vallon, Jared Robinson, Roy Billing, Neil Young, Greg Poppleton, Nicholas Neild, Nathaniel Parker, Daniel Poole, Mirko Grillini, Ron Kelly, Laurence Coy, Douglas Gresham, Michael Maguire, Catarina Hebbard, Tamati Rangi, Lucas Ross, Megan Hill, David Suchet, Ross Price, Liam Neeson, Simon Pegg, Ozzie Devrish.
Trama e commenti:
- - - - - «Edmund e Lucy Pevensie
vengono inghiottiti con il cugino Eustace in un quadro e portati a Narnia su un
fantastico veliero. Lì si uniscono al principe Caspian, ora re, e al topo
guerriero Reepicheep in una missione da cui dipende il destino della stessa
Narnia: la ricerca dei sette signori perduti di Narnia, che Caspian ha promesso
al "Gran Leone" Aslan di ritrovare. I nostri eroi questa volta dovranno
raggiungere i confini del Mondo attraversando oceani e terre lontane e
scontrandosi con creature sinistre per salvare la loro amata Narnia da un
destino avverso».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
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«As before, it's World War II and the bombing of London is in full swing.
Riding out the Blitz is Edmund Pevensie (Skandar Keynes), and his sister Lucy
(Georgie Henley), the only members of the original clan capable of returning to
the magical realm of Narnia. Unfortunately, they are currently stuck in England
with their priggish cousin Eustace Scrubb (Will Poulter) who enjoys making their
lives miserable. One day, a seascape painting in their bedroom comes to life,
whisking the trio back to help Prince Caspian (Ben Barnes) as he pilots the ship
The Dawn Treader on a quest for the Seven Swords of the Seven Lords. With trusty
"mouse"keteer Reepicheep (voiced by Simon Pegg) by their side, they will try to
locate the ancient talismans while keeping the evil Dark Isle from destroying
their beloved land».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Die Chroniken von Narnia: Die Reise auf der Morgenröte; Le Monde de Narnia: L'Odyssée du Passeur d'Aurore; Las crónicas de Narnia: La travesía del viajero del alba; As Crónicas de Nárnia: A Viagem do Caminheiro da Alvorada.
Cronache di Narnia:il Principe Caspian
Scheda a cura di Letizia Dello Mastro